(8 7) tdinft theftream of the moft Interpreters, Who goeabout for the molt part, to reftrain all in Daniel, to thefirft coming of Chrift, and do re- ferre all to Antiohus, or to theRomans ; Which cannot be, for neither ofthem come to their ends in Judea, or the ylori¢tts holy .ltlountíirn, acs the Turk fball do, Dan. 1r. 45. Daniel, having in theformerpart ofthis Chap. i . laiddown their ether enemies, the Perfians, verf 2. the Grecians, chiefly Alexander, ve{f.3. anduts four Captains ficcecdini ,verf. .+Which came ef'pecially ro tWo principal)heads r the Lagidans in Egypt, Whom bee calleth the Kings of the South, asftanding South from Jude?,verf. 5. and the Se- leucidans in Syria,Whom be calleth the Icings of the North, verf6,&c. to the 36. Then, and there, he cometh to the three /aft enemies of the Iewes, the Romans, vvhich had clipped the vying: ofAn'iochus, in the 30. verfe, till eu the end their oWn Eagles Wings Were alto clippedby the Saracens, andTurks,in ver.40.the one like a ,offing beaft,doth pug, foreat him;tI e other, coming againft him, like a Whirle-Wind that cannot berefifted, overfloweth, bears-and beats doWnall before it, entreth into Judea, the- e, lorious Land,Which hadbeen then a long time,the cockpit ofthe world, in the mídJ of their enemies, Babylonians, Perfans, Grecians, Lagi- sans,Seleucidans,Romans,Saracens,and now at thisday ,the Turks,the la11, though not the leaf,, oftheir adverfaries, Which fizall be troubled With the tiding: of the Eaftern andNorthern Lewes converfion, Which (ball make pine to march outfeerioufly againft them, like another Ieim, z King.9.2a. though not With like fucceJfc, but he fall come to his end there, in the holy land, and glorious mountain, and none(ballhelp him, for Ithe can help,and hold him up,Whoen godwill hinder andcatdown ? Then follows the joyfull return,and refurretlion ofthe sews : Who lay at dead, for almofifeventeen hundredyears, in Chap. ia. Which ifit be not meant if them, there is little comfortfor them in the Whole Prophe- tic, Which Was the 'Prophets main intention, and principal) drift and fcope,Oculus ad fcopum,eur eyemuff be aiwayesat the mark,andferns, ifwe mean to hitshe White, and right mcauing,fandfo the Apo _IF le Pjrt 1 doth call their calling, and receiving unto grace, life from the dead, Rom. i .15 . Whereunto moft fWeetly agreeth the Prophet Ezechiel,from' yhe- 37.Chap.'to the endofhis Prophetic, itethe laic i_.Chapters firfi, Jetting down their conver/ion, in thefirft 14. verfes of the .7. Chapter, Where the dead and drie bonesfcattered, come together again andlive. Secondly, the uniting, andfoyning ragetber'grain,the tenTribe; With Woe two,from the xs.vtrfe to the end. Thirdly,