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(898) Thirdly, thedeftrultion ofGog, andall their enemies, in the 38.39. Chapt. to the end. Fourthly, and !aptly, We have a heavenly neW Prophetie, concerning theglorious and Chriftian Church of the Iewes, Whereof Chrift him- fell Was the builder, in the laft nineChapters, beginning With a very folemn charge,for a reverend attention, and a fWeet carriage, andde- meanour of allparts, inward, andoutWard, as ofheart, eyes, andcares, Chap.4o.4. Anda19ò, concluding With the neW and lofting name there- of not Ierufalem, as ofold,now antiquated, but IehovahShammah, the Lord is, andWill be therefor ever, as being the truth oftheformer type, reprefentedby the Temple,hfal. 132. 14. This is my ref} for ever,here will I dwell, for I havedefired it. Thus have Ibriefly, in a Word, epitomifed, and abridged this learned Expolitionfor thee : Hefball noW fbeakunto thee in thine oWn mothers tongue and native language. Hee Will bring that to thine cares, Which happily thou distil never heare of before: Make much of fuch faithful! Expofìtors,andpray to God, to increafe the number of fuch learned In- terpreters,as may help thee tofee, andunderhandfuch myfficall vifsons and revelations ofGod,& that he Would in his due time bring down thofe tWo main enemies ofhis Goffiel,and hispeople; the RomanAntichridt in his old Rome, and the Eafiern Gog and Magog in his newRome, or Conf}antinople, Who Wouldloonfall of his oWn Mahumetan pondrons Weight,ifhe Were notfupported by RomidhIdolatry :And let not us Pro- tefaants, by ourfcandalous lives and converfations, be any hindranceto the calling, and coming on of our far dant Brethren the Iewes, but help forward What Wee may their effet-tuall vocation, by frequent andferventprayerfor them, and daily crucifying offin, Whichcrucified the Lord of glory, both theirs and ours, and fo together, With joynt coxfent, fetforth the purityof Godsworfbip ; and celebrate his praifes unto the full and finals end, and confummsition ofall things.