Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

(899) An Expofition ofthe nth Eha.p.ofDaniel, from Yerfe 36. to the endof thé 12th ,HAPTER. The Text of the r r th. Chapter of DA N I g L, from Verfe 36. to the end. 36_0..10:; ND theKing (hall do according to his 4;afi ,,.y will, and he ílrall exalt himfelf, and rnag- A t nifie himfelf above every god, and fhall PAW; fpeakmarvellous things againft the God ofgods, and frail profper till the indig- nation be accomplifhed : for that that is determined ¡hall be done. 37 Neither fhall he regard the god of his Fathers, nor the defire of women,- nor regard any.god : for he (hall magnií e himfclfabove all. 38 But inhis eftate (hall he honour the God ofForces; and a God whom his fathers knew not, flail he honour with gold and frlve:, and with precious:Bones, and plea- fant things. 39. Thus Shall he do in the moil ftrong holds with a frange god,whomhe fhatacknowledge,andincreafe with glory : andhe fhall caufe them to ruleover many,and (hall divide the Land for gaine. 40 And at the time ofthe end fhal the King ofthe South, pufh at him, and the Kingofthe North fhall come againíf him like a whirlewind,with Chárets and with Horfemen, andwithmany fhips,ándhe (hall enter into the Countries, and (hall overflow, and paffe over. .41 He (ball enter alto into the glorious land,and many countries (hall be overthrown : but theft (ball efcape out Bbbbbb of