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9O0 tfhíshand, even Edom and Moab, and the chiefe of the children of Ammon. 42 1-14 (hall ftretch forth his hand altoupon the coun- tries, and the land ofEgypt (hall not efcape. 4; But he (hall havepower overthe treafures of gold and flyer, and over all the precious things of Egypt : and the Lybians, and the Ethiopians fhall beat his fleps. 44 But tidings out of theEaft, and out of the North fhall trouble him therefore he ¡hall go forth with great fury, tode:froy, and utterly tomake away many. 45 And he flail plant the tabernacles of his place be- tween the Seas,in the glorious holy mountaine, yet he hall come to hisend, andnone (hall helpe him. Let the Wards ofmy mouth, andthe meditation of my heart,be accepta: ble in thyfight, O Lordmy Rock andmy Redeemer, TheAualyfis, orRefoluti000. DAmid recorder') things done in thefirfffix Chapters,afterward irs the ref( of the booke,Vfions andRevelations,FheWed to him.Where in is difclofed, What thepeople ofthe 7eWes are to expett,from that time to the very !al? end. Of the Revelations, he fill propoundeth the ieni- verfall typeof things tocome, in Chap. 7. in thofefollowing, heufeth at larger declaration of thefirff, both as it did agree With the next times, in regard either ofthe enemies, (hap. 8. or of the Mefas, in Chap. 9. As alto, it didagree to all times, by a continued order and (accrfon, from his ovvne time, to thefulldeliverance of his Nation. Of this laß and plentiful' Prophetic, the preparation is /et dovvn in the tenth Chap- ter, then aftcrvvard, the thing itfeïfe in the tvvofollowing Chapters, . and i 2. From the beginningof the z t. Chapter, unto then place, the matters ofthe Perfians andGrecians are fo manifeffly, particularly, and exprellyfaref7evved, that in very deed, it may feeme rather a Hi_ gory then a Propbecie._ That vvhich romaineth, doth partly ¡bevy the other opprcffors ofthe people ofthe Ievves, in this Chapter, partly that vvilhedendof all their troubles, in the follovving, There