Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

( 961 ) Thereare three opprefersfet down; The fir , aa' certain King de- fcribed, vvitheut any addition ofhisdominion, hovefar it¡retched, brit funnmarily, bothof an unlimitedpovver tovvard f ranecrs, mofiproud andprofperous, till the appointed time, nerf. 36. Andal fo tovvarda his avvne, a contemner of his Countries,andfathers Religion, vvitheut na- turali af fellions, andexalting him/elfe above all, vert 37. After,par- ticularly, as he fhouldbe f.tmouo for (orne fpeciall ails, partly, in the matter concerning Religion, vert. ;8. and beginning of she next, and partly ispolitick affairer, in the latter part ofvert. 39. The fe>rond it the King of the South,vert. 4c. The third is the King ofthe North, uvho is happy in bispreparation, vert 40. in hit proceeding, ver/.Ç 41. and larQenef fe of his dominion,verf.42.43. but is unhappy in the fèafre ofdolefull tidings,inhit vvickfdpurpofe,and refolutionof minde,ver.44;. and loft ofail, in his goingforth, and end, verf 4r. TheScholia, or Expofition. Verf. 36. And the king /hall doWhat helift, or, according to his Will. V` Ethaveoftentimesmade mentionof`DanielintheRevela- / `/ tion, and the Canticles, whole teflimonie, what force it hath to thofe thingsfor which we alleadged ir, cannot be fiatficiently underflood, except we repeate it from the beginning, and take upon us the full handlingofavery obfcure place of Scripture, and much controvertedamongfl learned men : which truely, I do the more willingly undertake, becaufe being holpen by the light of former Expoltions, we hope we /hall be able to bring fomething,by Gods afiìflance,'o cleer the truth, and bring it to light. Neither do I doubt but it will bevery acceptable to the godly, and learned, to fee Da- niels content with the refit, and the lovely face of the truth to be brought upon the flage in open view, with whofe beauty the molt heavenly minded are efpecially ravifhed; yea, and which even the vulgar fort ofinen,though unskilful beholders and l_adges ofbeauty, are alto aflonirhed thereat. Every vaîoet hath difficulty in it, but he mull have leifiire at will, that undertaketh the whole work : but there lilt vifions being well underftood, on which doth ref, the Ex- pofitionof the former, thole alto, that go before may be eafily con- ceived. Bbbb bb