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9®2, ) We begin the Expofition from the 36. verle, becaufe there are not many things in the former verfes need to flay or hinder the Reader: but thole which follow are much doubted of,whether they belong toefAntiochtts Epiphanes, or to tome other King. Well and rightly in my judgement doth Calvin avouch, That it can by no meanes be referred to Antioehus. Thole things that follow do not any wife agree : for how should he do what he lift,by exalting him- felfabove all that is God, whom the (hips of Chittim limited , and prefcribed, verfe 30. Neither did the Kings of Egypt, being young, attempt any thingagainft Antioch : Neither was there any King ofthe North, by whomhe fuflained any wrong to fpeake of. Or if we fhall make :gatiochus himfelf the King of the North, as force in- terpreters do : Neither Both the King ofthe South provoke him,as it followeth,verf. 40. Neither did he returne into Egypt, after he was commanded to depart by the Romane,as verf. 30. before. The Hiffory recordeth that he went twice into Egypt, as 2 Mae. 5. t. About the fame time Antiochus undertook his fecond voyage into Egypt, wherein he Both admirably agree with Daniel; but ofa third Expedition,not any, or the leali mention in any Authour, that I could find. The Autkours of the books of the Maccabeeswould have made tome mention thereof, if there had beene any. Neither would Iofephau have let it paffe, who after the returne of 4ntiochus out of Egypt, by reafon ofthe Romanes threatning denounccd,doth mention nothing at all, that was againe attempted again(} that Country, before his death among the Perfians. Livie allo,who fhew- eth him tobe ref rained by Popilius the Legate,lib. 45. ofhis Epito- mies abridgement, declareth him in the next book to be dead, with- out doing any other memorable exploit. IWJiine alfö,after he had de- clared the tartneffe and rigour of Popilius,tellethus that Antiochm dyed alfoonas he was returned intohis Kingdom : was it poflîbl:e filch a notable expedition could be taken in hand, wherein fo many Nations were overthrown, and great alterations came to paffe? as it followeth, verf 40.41. In recording whereof, all thefe Authors would not be faithfiill and diligent , which yet notwithOEanding íhauld efcape the truft and diligenceof all thefe Authors. But thou wilt fay, though the Híffory be filent, yet divine Oracle, without all exception, makes the matterplaine and manifeff, for fo Danielfpeaketh before,verf.29. At the time appointed,he (hall again invade the South, bait it (hall not be as the firft expedition, or as the WI; but by the leave oflearned men, no filch thing is here intended, if