(9o3) if we do rightly expound, or tranllate the word, which rtmneth thus; But the fet time (hall returne, and he (hall come into the South, and it fhall not be as theformer; fo all() the later, for there is nothing more frequent, then for the later doubled Caph,to anfwer the former, and tobe the reddition or anfwer thereunto : in which fenfe, the particle, Ita, fo, doth anfwer the word. Sicur, or, ur, as And it fhall be as the Prieft, fo the people, &c. Ifa.24.2. And it Jhnllbe Rd the rghteoiu,fo the vvickZed,Gen.18.25. you fhall hear,aa theplod, fo thegreat,Deut.1.17. and very many of the like fort; wherfore the tranflationof Tremeliau is to be corrected, Butit (hall not be, as the firft: expedition, or as the later : for the Copulative particle ren- dred dif-junaively, and the noteof the fimilitude being taken pro- pofitively, and not refponfìvely, or redditively, as it oughr,doth plainely Chew of three voyages, againft the truth (if 1 be not de- ceived) ofall Hiffories, and againft the minde, and meaning ofthe Prophet himfelf. For is it any way likely, that Antiochus, for feare of the people of Rome, had carried away : his whole Armie out of Egypt, the Romans after that,fhould either leave offthe care of that Kingdom, or tkat he fhould dare againe to enterprife war againft the good likingofthe Senate? Moreover, That title help fpoken of verle 34. proceeded far beyond the tyrannie of Antiochut, whom ludas Maccabesu,and his other brethren didoverlive. To what end therefore fhould the Prophet, whenhe had far paffed thole broyles, come faylingback againe, that way he formerly overpaffed, with a certaine inextricable confounding of things ? Finally, (hall we think or imagine, that the Iewes calamities did fo continue in Antiochaos alone, as that it fhould bealtogether needlefle to fpeak a word of theirconfequent troubles afterward ? Neither do thefe words any better agree to his fons, who never did attaine unto the greatnef3,e of their Father. The Kingdom ofSyria did more and more decay, untill at length, not long after it was utterly wafted. This King therefore is not Anrieehw, but force other far furmounting him, one of thole foure chiefe ones, fpoken ofbefore, chap. 7. 17. and there- fore the prefixed Article hath his Emphafis, or expreffe forceof fig nifcation, difl:inguitl-hing him fromAntiochau, of whom he fpoke in word next and immediately going before, who was but (mall and meane in comparifon of thefe foure chiefe , and this King is the laft of thefe foure : for the Lion the Kingdome of the Afyrians, was abolilhed and gone before this vifion was (hewed to Daniel, as before, chap. a o. i. Of the Beare and Leaped, the Terfant, aria the