( 905 ) ry, but only for defire to injoy fo great a wealth, wherewith the Ifland teasreported to abound. And whereas no fit nor feigned co- lour could be pretended, then Caro that great patronof Iuftice,, ^s he was called, was made a publique robber of the wealth, foungod- >ly coveted, that fo, as I think, the groffe difhonefty ache fact might in fome fort behid and concealed by the authority of the man. Tice Egyptian could not brook the wrong, but at the report of the mat- ter, poyfoned himfelf, Florru lib. 3. Chap. 9. Thewar against Creet,ifwe will take knowledge ofthe trtrh,we allo trsade,faith the fame Florin, onely through a del-ire to vam;uifh that noble Ifland. But this licentioufneffewas nothing to the outra- gioufncfie of the Emperors.It would be over tedious to enter in the particulars, neither is it need full in a matter fo well known to all. Affuredly that which DanieI once fpake of Nebttch.sdnezz.ar,agrceth very fitly to this ling, and for the Majefty that God gave him, all Nations, people, and languages trembled, and feared before him ; flee put to death whom he would, he fmote whom he would, whom he would he fet up, whom he would he put down, Dan.5.19. Thefe arc the large bounds of an unlimited delire, proper to fupreme au- thority, Let us not feek for them either in Antiochv:r, or in any other fervile Prince, but only in the higheft Empire. This is therefore his fill} mark, His unlimited power out of all controule. His pride fol- loweth, he (hall exalt himfelf, and magnilie himfelf above all that is called God. Interpreters do life to carry Chef: words to the impiety of this King, which indeed is noted in the next words. And hee (hall fpeake marvellous thing, and words against the God of gods. Thofe former words therefore do belong to men : for pride is here fet out by a twofold fubjeci, about the which it is exercifed, partly, men whom it contemneth, and defpiterh, their underlings; partly, God himfelf, of whom it Both both think and fpeak unreverently. 1 e know that men placed in higher degrees ofdignity,are in many places in the Scripture called gods, efpecially, loch as have any 'government and command of thing: this King fhould make no account of all thefe, in comparifon of himfelf, as it is evident in the people of Acme. For how ihould not he lift up himfelf above all, whom almoft, through the whole world, he held as his vaffals and copy holders : who could obtain a Kingdom,but by the help ofhis authority ?orwhocould keep one,but with his good will ? The Ptolomie.r Bing do flic tohim, as to the be- (tow.e r ofKingdomes,that Antiochm at his command might be made to