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(911) note for .,tl men, eafily todiftinguifh between this King and.others. And fo Both Daniel admirably confent, with yohns Revelatior,what timeas John did write thefe things,he telleth us five Kings werePals fen, and the fixt did then flouri(h, Reve. t 7. r o. D ni l in thefe word- doth, as it were foretell the funeral! ofthe lift King, and the birth, or nativitie of the fixth, which should afpire to the top and highcft command , by the contempt of the ancient gods, the old Magi- ftrates, to whom their fathers yeelded all obedience. As concerning the defireofw.omen,there is no Hfedirfìcultie aboutthe right mean- ing. The interpreters take it paflïvely for that c'e.îre which men beer towards women, . whereby it cometh to paffe, thatfome refer it to htff, others, tohumanity and courtefie but the like conftruction is alive elfewhere, as the defire of all nations,that is tofay, which all 'Nations dodefi re, Ffa . a. 8. So the-dcfire ofwomen,is that which womendoe defire, whichwere very unequal!, and unfit to refer un- to lull.. What is it then that women doe moll of all defire and affeFt? Tohave their children moil honourable. Barhß,eba f emeth here- upon ro.rcqueil an oath of David that her Soy, if the had one by fhould fucceed him in theKingdome, which happily fhe wrefl- ed from hirnbefore t e did yeeld unto his loft: Affttredly, The de- lire of women brought the mother ofZebsçdc-ue children to Chew her outragions ambition, in asking the chiefe feats in Chrifts kingdom, for her two fons. Wherefore this King (hould have no regard to this deftre,becaufe he would benothing careful! for his natural! fuc- ceflion, otbetwife then in alfother kingdoms. for ifWe cast our eyes upon any other government;: what do the fathersmore earnefl- ly, being kings, affccl, then to leave theirchildren,a quiet,ftable and ltedfaft kingdome ? But this care nothing troubleth this king OlE,s- vita,the reforefucceedeth,T. Cafar7iberiuu,his foti in law,0lfaviu , Caligula TyberiAts; and fo afterward : yea, for the mofi parr, in de- grees much further off, the fucceffour no way alleed unto him that went before; efpecially,when as thehigheft umpire was at the plea fore, or at the beftowing, offierce and Cruel! fouldiers, not of the Senate, gathered together of lawfuflaffemblies. Sometimes,indeed, in fiuceedingages, one or two fons, now and then,have enjoyed their fathers Kingdorne by inheritance, but that was rather by the choice and affection offouldiers, then by the ad- vice oftheirfathers, who perceiving,howgreatly, force & violence had prevailed, did not mind the care offucceffion,which they law to lac in other mens power. Such tlaerfore fhould the government be,as fhould