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(911) fhould more refpe<`l die honouring ofall eftates with great authori- tie, then the delire ofwomen;to inrich , or ennoble their fons with any lingular preheminence, above the aft and it were indeed a marvellous matter, if the wifdome of God had not forewarned us of it long before, that the Emperours having the chief command ofall matters, there lhould be fo few found in fo great a number , to have their lawful! ifiùe to fucceed them. This is therefore the fecond, deer, famous, and domefticall note, whereby this Empire lhould be known. The third is, his magnify- ing himfelf above all ; where there cometh again a new con- tempt of the gods, Nor regard any God, faith he. To what purpofe is this ? was not this impiety fufficiently reproved before in the for- mer verfe ? He will magnifie himfelfabove all gods', and now alto in the beginning of this andhe null not regard the God of his Fa- thers. . This repetition is not in vaine, but anew degree ofthe like pride. The contempt ofthe gods in the former verle, wasofall for- reign Magiftrates, among all nations whatfoever. The contempt of the gods in the beginning of this verfe,was of their own domeflicall, but ancient, and infcituted,ofold. The contempt of the gods in this Place, is of the prefent,Conful , Pretors, and Tribunes, and the refl. now in being,whofe names as yet remained, but all the power, and authoritie, was invefted in this chief Magiftrate alone. TTsrïrtu in the firft entrance of his ftiflory, Chewing how Augufhiu by little and little, drew. r ; the .rjght ofall Oncces tohimfelf alone : Firit, he'fet. up theConfulhhip, like a,n, by force, as Smetoniuq declareth .4 guftur Chap a7,the reft were offered .him at his pleafure : he was perpetual! Tribune, or proteftor of the Commons,andhad perpetu- al! governmerít.alfo, of!awes and manners. Therefore the other.Magifrates were bùx,titular., onely, and a vain thew, and femblance ofauthority, appoinfed,onely- to cafe the T)nnce of trouble in their hingdomcs, and not toexercife any abfó- lute authoritie. No marvell therefore, ifhe exalt himfelf above all rhefe, whom he ufed as his valíals, and bale flatterers. All Kings in their Territories have chiefcommand,neither do they refpeft any other inferioitgod,or lvlagiftrate,whorn themfulves created of their own fubjéets, but on the contrary fide, are honoured ofall. men. But this, efpecially,lhouldbe remarkable in this Empire, b caufe-the be- ginning of innovations, are molt ofall obferved ; we fine therefore, this third note moil confpicuous, and,manìfeft in this King, which is árot at all ob.érved inpochers, by rcafott of long.çuítome. Val 38.