Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

(91:3) Verf. 38. But in his placeJhal/he honour the God of-Forces. ] Hi- therto have been more common notes, now he .fetteth upon more fpeeiall ones,and moreproper to certain places; and fi ít ofall,how he íhouldbehave himfelftowards the true God. For the better un- derftanding'Whereof, the wordsare firft tobe difcuffed, which are diverily rendred by Interpreters.. The learned Tremelius and lunisa doe tranflate them:afolutely : And as concerning the God of Great ftrength,he !hall honor him in this place,I fay,He f1141 honor the God which his father,, knewnor, &c. Bnr this conftruaion dot require a Nominative cafe, this god of forces, &c. Às 4P(al. r r. 4. and t 8 3 t.:Apoca.z. 2.6.and ;.1 21. as we have there obferved upon the place. in Loch like 'conftruai- ons, the prepofition is wanting, indeed, but the want thereof is fo frequent in this kind, that I think it where fully expreffed.. Moreover, this Tranfhition cloth. give the'whole honour to the God whom-his fathers knew not, whereas yct,the Angel expeefly leaved' fame honour ro the God of forces.: for thofe words, ('He "hall ho- nour the God) in theformer parr of the veil-co-null have the like fib- niacation,with the fame words in thefecond part thereof: Further - more,except the words ( Hefhall honour) were robe joyned with: thofe in the beginning ofthe verfe;the Godóf:forces, the accent at!.- nach in lecabed, Jhallhenour, íhould be altogether in vain, And the copulation ofth.e next word, yea, and alo- the- whole word ( God) next repeated.. The fecondword ( Mauzim, of forces ) had no The fignification is'agreèdhupon,but the purpofe ofit is divers wades applied. Somedo retain the Hebrew word it felf, and think it ad- ded,.to-fignifie an Idol, and that in very deed, not unprobably. : for. he that a little before was called a contemner of the gods, how fig 11 ho, prefently in the next words, be accounted a.worfhipper of the true God ? But ifI be not;deceived , the Hiftory will remove this block, and'refute the interpretation. Tremelius cloth.exPoundt it of the true God, whole judgement I approve of, for fo the word taken before, in verf. 3r. and by and by, again, in-verf 39.efpecially, being joyned with Mibtt'aiym,: which word is alto fpokenof the ho- lyy place, in verfe. a-4. Thirdly, gnalcanno, upon . his place, or in his place, to wit, ofthis King, as learned Calvin doth expound it : as if thisKing would acknowledge noother God; but filch as fhould be fattened to his place, íhould come after the word jecabed,heJhall ho- nour; which being otherwife, it cannot,as I. think,be referred to any thing