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(914) thing elfe,`bat to that which went before, namely, to the true God, in whole place, this honour was to be done. The double fenfe therefore ofthe words, evinceth that the true God of great ftrength is to be honoured, in his own place, by this King ; which to be done,the hiftory alto bearethwitneffe. For Pom- pey hating furprized Ierufalem, and entred the temple, when as within it, the Table, and Candleftick, and the cups were all of gold, andgreat abundance oftweet incenfe, and befide , about two thou- fand talents of fac red monies in the treafurie, yet, made confcience of touching any thing at all, but herein alfo, was like himfelfe, and did nothing unworthyofhis other vertues. Iofeph. in lib. 14, ofAn- tiquities, and Chap. 8. He did not, indeed , forfake his old Idola- tries, neither did he ac knowledge the true God by repentance, but yet, he carried himfelfmore temperately, and moderately, then the wicked Antiochis had formerly done.Inrefpe&ofwhofeoutragiouf- nes was not this admirable abltin.ence, great pietie,and reverence to- wards God ? But over and befides,thenext day following he com- manded the keepers of the Temple topurge ir, to have the facrifices appointed by the law, reftored again, and gave the Priefthood to whom it was due. There is added to this humanity, which is honourable to the true God, the Decrees ofCzfar,and ofthe enfuing Emperours,for fiber- tie granted to the Iewes, to live after their own 'awes, as7ofephur hath it in his 14. bookof Antiquities, in his fixteenth and fever.-. teenth Chapters. The true God is greatly honoured, when liberty is granted to his people, to worfhip him according to his own appointment/Ind al- though the Romane Prefidents did make their refidence at Ierufa- lem, yet notwithitanding,they diminilhed nothing of that grant. Iuftly, therefore, may this King be Paid to honour the God of for- ces, in this place : whofe deputies,for the prefent, did prefcrve the l,bertie oftheholy people to live after their owne lawes.This is, then a fpeciall note, wherby this King is diftinguilht from all others. Ma- ny have brought Ieeufalem, into their fübie&ion at flinch-3f timer, but none of them all have governed the City by Prefidents, and in the meantime, granted the Jewes to enjoy their own Religion,and worship. But although this honour be oftome certain place, it is yet but generally propounded, the diftin&, and feverall kind. thereof, are declared in that which followeth : And the God, faith he, Whorl his fathers