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(9i5 ) fathers knew not, 'hall he honour Withgold, 81.c. What God is this ? A forged one indeed, as fome have thought, who refer thefe things to Antiachus Epiphanes,wh.r fet up Jupiter Olympias in the temple.But we have (hewed already, that thefe things can no waies agree to An.. tiochus. And how could Jupiter Olympias be unknown to lais An- ceítours, whom thefe fathers, efpecially, worshipped? TheGentiles knewwell enough the whole rout ofgods, but the onely true Ieho- vah, when both they,and their fathers, were ignorant ofthis God ? whom alone it concerned them toknow ; after theRomanes had to do with the Iewes, they got fomething ("him by hearing. Whence it is, that we read offome holy Centurions in the Gofpell,who in the time of their governments in Iudea, have learned and attained the Caving knowledge of God. This is therefore the fame true Cod, which was formerly called the Godof forces,-who could fcarce bee better perceived then by that grofte,and palpable ignorance, wherein the Nations of old did formerly wallow. How then did this Xing confer to the honour ofthis God, gold, flyer, and precious ftones ? Doubtlefle, by a noble and coftly re- pay ringofthe Temple ; for in the reigne of Ausuffur, the Temple of lerufalem was repaired,and reftored, towards thewhich building, what a huge malle ofgold, hiver, and precious ftones,andother very coítly things was laid out ? A thoufand carriages were imp toyed in carying of (tones , ten thoufand ofthe moil skilful! artificers, and moreover; a thoufand priefìs, who fhould fee to the framing of the intnoft porches, from whenceall the prophane, and unclean, were debarred, neither was the building finned in lefte time then eight yeeres. Hence therefore may a man more eally guelte, then give in a ¡mil account of loch an infinite charge : efpecially if he call tominds the goodly golden vineyards,and the other ornaments, of fuch anadmirablework, both manuels, and materials fo ccftly : Io- fephus Antiquities, Book 15. Chao. tç. Now then , did God per- forme that,whichofold, he had foretold by his Prophet, Haó. 2. 8. Thepier is mine, and the goldis mine, faith the Lord of hofr. Son e of the !ewes that returnedafter the captivity,which had fern the for- mer Houfe,are faid toweep with a loud voice, when the foundation was laid, Ezra 3. 12. But Haggai biddeth them be of good cou- rag ,F r the glorieofthe fecond'Houfe,fhall begreater then the fi.ít, and ate delire of ó.1l Nations (hallcome unto it ; yea, whatfoever the fecund houle in the building begun was wanting of in fplendor and Dddddd magna