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( 916 ) magnificent fink-lure, God promifeth to fupplie, whole is all the gold,and fìlver, which accordi lgty he plentifully poureth out, for the furnithing,'and ornaments of the houle. And now at this time they did religioufly, and earnellly endeavour to beaucifie the Tem- ple, to prepare itfor our Lords comming, who was fhortly to come unto his own houfe. For loon after theTemple was finifhed, our Lord Iefus Chriía was borne, who was greater. then Solamons Temple, for whom the houfe was worthily prepared, being fo lùmptuoiafly beautified, and adorned,_ás in token of that moll glorious Temple , which himfelf was foonafter to fini(hand make perfect, which was alto (hewed in fome fort, to be chiefly amongft the Gentiles, feeing they were now the chief authorsofthe typical! one refloring,for cuis feemeth to be no flight prefageof the fpirituall building,.into he which they were fhortly after to be brought and chofen, by that High and abfolute Workman. Vert-. 39. That "ball he do in the mollffronti holds With a f range god.] He Both further proceed to make this King better known by other ofhis doings, for there words are an anfwer to a fecret ob- je&ion, whereby, thofe things formerly of the temples building,may feeme little toagree with, and to theRomatíes : for we know that Herodbellowed all that colt ofhis own. The Angel therefore meet eth with ir, as ifhe íhaould fay, T would not have you to thinkme to avouch,that the Romanes did,or would undertake any thing with their ownhands, cofi,or meanes, but whatfoever he did in the holds of the (bong God,he did it all, at the charge,and travel! ofa (}range God, that is to fay, ofa certaine inferiòur magilirate, which held his place, rather by force and tyranny, thenby any lawful! authori- ty, whence he fhall worthily bé judged a Granger, or Orange God. And who can be ignorant that lloradwas fach a one, an Edornite by birth, and a (}ranger, who'hath no right at all ,. of lawful! authority over the 7ewes ? Wherefore, the Romanes fhould do all by his meanes, which they conferred on the holds of the flrong God that is to fay,which they bellowed upon the reftoring of the temple for thefe are the holds of the God of forces; whence heprivily fend- eth fuccour to his ownpeople, and yeeldeth help unto them in ad- vefity,as the frequent, and fervent prayers of the-faints do manifell; whereby they labour all they can, that God would heare, and,hel p, out ofhis Temple, Rfal. 18.7. towhich purpofe allo, is thatof the Prophet Amos, I. z. The Lord roareth out ofSion, anduttereth big voice