(9'17 ) >vèice from7erssfalem. And it is manifeft whatfoever was done in the , building of the Temhle,it was doneby the authority ofthe Romane Emperour, but yet by the colt and travel! ofHerod, a ftrange Cod ; that lothHerod liimfelfacknowledge, in an oration to the people, concerning that matter. Among!' other opportunities and means of finifhing fogreat a work, whichwas a terrour tomany mens mindes, he reckoneth the friendíhipof the Romans; by thebenefit whereot,he fpecially fruft- eth, he (hall be able and fitting to bring all the perfeetìonwhich he had purpofed, andpropounded, tohimfelf. Now, faith he, feeing by Godsprovidence, I obtaine a Kingdome, and have leifure, ready money, and great revenues coming in, and that which is molt ofall , the friend íhip oftheRomans, the Lords ofrhe world, I will do my endeavour, &c. 7ofeph. Antiq. lib. 15.14. See how he attributeth the greatelt part of his meanes to the friendfhip of the Romans, whereofhe made more account, then ofhis leifure, or ready money at will , which yet he more evidently declareth , when as after the work finifhed,`ie did dedicatea goldenEagle ofgreat weight, upon the great dore of the Temple , the armes ofthat King, by whole fa- vour a.id authority, that ftrange Godhad (hewedhimfelffo bour;ti- full,upon the holds of-the almighty God. And hitherto of his works towardsGod. Now in fpeciall, what mannerof one he Chould be towardsmen , Whom, faith hel he fhall acknowledge , he (hall in- creafe with glory ; for all authority was in the hands ofthe Roman, from the firft touch at that province. He by his Legat Stamm,: d d treferre Arifobuhes, the younger brother, both to the priefthood, and the Kingdome. i-ie allo by Pompey reftored Hircanur againe, h: made Antipater theEdomite, the governour ofall Judea,and ap- pointed his Ions `Phaf.elau and Herodto raign, who, but he confirm- ed Hrrols will and trítament,and declared not Arrlilaw his fon for King, but granting him a moyety of Herodsjurifdift,on ,''made him a ruler of the people? That whichof late belonged to one , now by the appointment of this King, who might do whatfoever him lifted, was divided among tout.. Philip and Antipas,and Salomedo enjoy equal! portions with e/Irchilaur. yofeph. Antiq. lib. 17. cap:r 3. fo he. divided the land for money, and the hiftory makes it manifeft, that this King made more account of talents, then of reafon, and homily, jr:ftice , and e- quity; whofoever brought the greateft weight ofgold, did fpeed MI in his fait. But that buying, and felling, is ofal, other, the molt Dddddd 2 memora-