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(919) rt,lny nations , which the Angel attributed% to the King ofthe Ns,rth,into fiuh narrow ftreights of three yeers,and a fewmonthes room, at the molt, and in the meane time, not think themworthy of one words celebration, or praife, by the Hittoriographers ? Antte- chsts , firmly after the Romanes had reftrained him frommaking war where he lifted, and that he mull of neceffity lay downhis weapons,feemeth to give himfelf over to that monffrous ryot,which Atheneses defcribeth in the words of Polybius. He had money e- noughfor that wondrous po;npe, after he had robd the Temple of Ierufalem, ofa thoufand eight hundred talents, in his return out ofEgypt, wherewithal!, in pride and haughtineffe of his heart be imagined, he could make the land navigable, and the feäpaffable on foot, z Macitb. 5. VI. And what else now fhould fiuh aman do,,borntonothriftineffe, but to wallow himfelfin the my re and puddle ofhis own filthy p leafures,who had an injunction for ceffa- tion ofarmes ? And fo Pote%. ìn Aréen. Dipnofeph, lib. 5. All theee things, faith he , were brought to page, partly, by thofe things which he. had (eraped together out of Egypt, after he had deceived the young King Philomerer with a feigned league, and partly, by the help ofhis friends , but he had pilled alfo very many Temples. But to-make fhoçr, All thenoble acts which are hereafter rehearfed of theKing of the Not=th, do callus back to fome other, befade An tioch3s : We are not to think, that the Iewes calamities had an end, in this one mans tyranny, or that they needed no other caution, a- gainft the enfiting evils. The Angel fweareth in the Revelation, that that fh-maid bee finifhed , which God had promifed by his Pro- phets in ties paft,when the feventhAngel foundeth, i o.7, andthis found is the Taft period oftime,.which fliall put an end to all Prophecies. 'Bin among theProphets, there is not any one, to whom God, bath imparted at any time more plentifuil revelations,,. either of'longer continuance, or of more eater knowledge, of all particular matters, then untoavoid : neither is it likely, that there. Mould be no remainder ofcomfort in the Prophecies for the people ofGod: whom-we know, he hath determinedat the length, to joysa. tohis Church,whenhehath gathered the remnants together. Theft things do I fpeak to this end, becaufe 1 fee other learned men to re- {train thole things which follow, within the bounds of Chrifts In- carnation, howfoever, they confeffè ingenuoufly, and confirm by ar- guments, that they can no wayes agree to Aíntsochus. But,.! hews. M !hall evidently appear to. any man,. embracing the truth, without contention,