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(921) thisRomane King wasweakned, and wearied, before theSarecens fell upon him. Besaufe it was his purpofe to touch thofe oppreffours onely,which .fhoald be troublefome to the people of the I_wes, which fuffered no great Joffe by this waftingof Europe , molt of them remaining in .elfric.i and Afsa. In which places being free from the Romane yoake,they ferved a new flavery,by{ fubmitting themfelves to the ba- left 4Iy revs. So the holy land in times paft, the Jewes countrey, fell under their dominion at length. The Spirit therefore maketh mention, efpecially, of theft., by whom the Jewes were tofuffer molt hard h p. Neither Both he in this place deter the Jewes, by filch words as he did before, when he had to do with eflntiochsu : for the legali worfhipbeing abrogated, by the deathofChrií},for which the Jewel, to this day, foeagerly ftr:ve, it cannot be that they fhould . fullerany thing forgoditneffe fake,for which caufe,the Spirit fhould fpeak ofReligion oppreffed, as it fell out under Anriochus ; where- fore, he vouchfafeth the Iewes no mention it all, onely he rehearf- eth thefe enemies, whom they fhould finde hurtful! and grievous. Such is therefore the King ofthe South. The King of the North is defcribed at large, by his preparation,after the manner of a whirle- wi :de, and by his warlike inftrumentsofall forts, thenby his happy progreffe in this verfe. But who is this Kingof the North ? Not Antiech:es, as we have before declared f fficiertly, though the fame Title of the Kingofthe North be given to the kings of Syria. The other notes will not Puffer it,as the Mining expofition will manifeft. Neither is it the Ro- mane , defending himfelf againit the flgarene.e: for that ( At the time ofthe end) did belong to the declining ofthe Romane Empire, but the King of the North doth grow into great authority from this beginning, as the words followingdo Phew; which reafon alto en- forceth,that this bickering inuft ofneceflìty be referd to forme other time, then that which went before the coming ofour Lord Chrift: for the Romane Kings did as vet flourifh, andgrowmore and more, neither at that time had attained to hisheight andmaturity. But this w: r fell out about the end ofthe flourifhingof the Empire. It is not then to be doubted,but that the Kingof the North is the Empire of the Turkes : We know that the inward parts of the North did caft out this bate rabble into the world,through the Straits ofthe Cafpian fea, which at length loofing his reines for liberty, mightily affailed our. Continenton every fide, and doth,in thefedáies, violently affault usa oi