( 923 movalls whereof the Turks ufe abundance, though they havegreat plenty of Camels. They may alto be referred to thofe great Guns, which are drawn upon wheels whichdo refemble a kind of Chariots fpitting fire. TheTurks abound in Horfmcn,they bringmore ofthen into the wars, then almoft all the Chriftian Princes joyned together. Theyhave alto very great navies well furnifhed at their pleaftrres: for they were not contentedwith the bounds ofÁfia,but providing (hipping, they failed into Europe, with a defire to fubdue and con- quer our world alfo. He wanteth then no kinde of preparation, wherewi;hail the An- gell Paid, he fhould be furnifh2d. The fucceufe is fummarili fignified in the Tait words: And he (hall enter into theCountris,and thall o- ver:Coty, and pafreover ; that is, They (hall go upon the breadthof the earth, as John fpeaketh, Rev. ao. 9. The firft words therefore do thew the largeneffe of his tyrannie ; for it (hall not be contained within the bounds ofone Countrey, but Ise (hall fpread himfelfinto many regions ; The next words Chew his eafie vi&ories, which (hall be as Toone and as eafily gotten, as a low ground is foon covered withan overflowing of waters: The third, fheweth the fafety ofhis victories, whereby heanay freely go hither and thither in his conquered Eingdomes, and in regard ofhis ftrong, holds,whichhe (hall poffefle,he may go, and come,paflè, and repaire, without any feare ofhoftile invafion, or home rebellion, unleffe the word gnabar, paffe over, doth lignifie force declining,or leffeningof his power; as if the Angel would afford Tome hope,that his tyrannie fhould not be perpetual!. But this comfort is added to, verf. 44 Whereupon k feemeth the leffeprobable, to be here intended, foas the"former fenfe is the likelieft; wherefore when filch happy fuccef e is fignified in tiefe words, and how the event bath been anlwerable, -we perceive and feel by wofull experience,ratlwr,thenneed to be ex- preffed by any mans fpeech : fince the time that the flood. gates ta- ken up, this whirling raging gulf was Pent into the world, overflow- ing,and violently bearing all away With his multitudes. Verf. 41. And !v./hall enter into the floriorad Land, andmany roan- - .treyesJhall he overtl&roT.1 The largeneife ofhis Dominions is fet out at large, and withal!, certain bounds are fe,, at leaf& on :fame parr, which by nomeasles he fhall overpaffe. The firft Couritrie made mentionofis the landof the e e, orof delight and ornament, that is Judea it felf, as Ez,'chicl thekveth,calling it the land ofthe Roe, or of glory, which God fware to'give to:-the Ifraelite,reftèr their delivery Eeeeee ou-s-