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(914) out ofEgypt, and which hee gave them to pofft.ife after forty yeeres wand ring in the Wilderneff, Ezech. zo. 6. 15. But it may happily be doubted, what fhould be the reafonof this appellation, whether it be fo called from his inhabitants put to flight, and driven into banifhment ; as the `Ioe Bucks,leaving their wonted haunts, do run hither and thither, when the hounds and hunters do purfue them in themountains. (Eretshatfebi.Tcrra capreohe. So Efay (peaks of Babylon, defcribing her exiled Citizens carried away;for it fhall be, faithhe, ru the chafed Roe, and as the Sheepthat no max to-. ,loth up,Chap. t 3.14. And Iásde4,whether ive refpe :the fltfl Canaa- nites,whom the land fpued out for their horrible wickedheffe, or the, newdwellers, the I(rarliter, fir carried away by the Affyrians, and after- driven out of their Countrey by the Romans, and fcattercd, thorow the whole earth, may worthily be called a chafed Roe. But ,Eechielin the place aforefaid,feem.ethto bring another notation of this name: for he deft ribing Canaan from theaboundingofm.i l k and .honey ; as if it had borrowed his name of this fruitfulneffc, faith : It isthe Roe, or glory ofall lands, as dill lands did hums, and feekeea- gerly- after this land, as after the Roe, becáufe of the felicity thereof, as if ti:is were the glory and delicious delight of all lands, for fo is efebi, often ufed. I think.the fpirit did ufe this word of fet purport., . thereby to comprehend both theirexpulfion,and happintffe, kff-her Citizens fhoulddefpai re,and bequite out of heart;but in the midft of her forrowfull exile they fhould think themfelves to be Gods t[ebir darlings,and delight To this fame purpofe is that wordArmageddon,. ufed in the Apoc:alppfe,as we have that place. Seeing then, that this is the land'whereof the Angel in this place faith,the King of the 7orth frail come into it and he fpeaketh-of his coming as ofa new thing: for to what .purpofe fhould he declare ir, as a wondrous, and'-flrange thing, which was ufuall and accuffomed ? This King therefore ofthe.Northis not-A tiochem, for whom it was no newes to come into .Iudea. He that twice beforegrievoufly afflicedir, verf 2.8. 3o: His third, corning might have been terrible,but not now, ifhe had come, which we have proved formerly tobefar.from thetruth. By the fame rea- fan is the Roman excluded, whomwe have feen before bearing rule. in the land,and makingfate thereof, Ver(39. or dividing it for gain, but it moft fitlyand'truly.-agreeth to the Turke, who at his fiat on fet was wholly takenup tnfubduingofEurope and Afia,on that fide which is joyned to the borders of the Perf :an, Empire,and camenot in