( 925 ) ìn Iuina, the glorious land,beforeZelimtu, about the yeer one thou,. fand five hundred and fourteen,going into Egypt, took his journey this way, and fo by the way, won Icrufalcm by affault. At the fame time fell many Countries, Ccmogcna_ ofSyria, An- tiachia, Damafcua ; alfo Tripolis, B,.rillau, Sidon, and alto Pale,fling, with all the region by theSea coaft, even unto Egypr,which all now firft came under the Turhit7'tytannic. Yet it fo came to paffe by di- vine providence, that he medied not wni'.h Edom, Moab, or Ammon, for that is the thief of the children of Ammon ; asif he fhould fay,he was fo far from fitbduing thefe Countries, that hee had no power over their uttermoft coasts. We know thefe regions do border u on Judea, Edam to the South, Moab and Ammon toward the Eaft, and by one commonname are at this day called Arabia, the third part whereof the Turk° vexed, not being content to open himfelfa way into Ehyp:,thrJugh Syria, :udea,Taleftina. From the time ofthat ex- peditin, Terfia, and Europe efpecially, did holdhim tack, fo as his wars p toceeded that way no further. Here therefore refieth the Turk, on that part of the world, by which fixed bounds and journey,às it were, drawn and laid our, the Spirit leadethus,as it were,foot by foor,to finde out this cruell Beaft. But there lands were not free from Anttochus,tvho had the tuitionof them,as it is manifeft by Hircantu the forne of Iofephtu,whoattemp- tingmany things againfi the Arahians,and fearinç,leit being brought under the power of Antiochtu he fhould pay for his evill deeds, laid violent hands upon himfelf, Antiochtu tnjn ed all his poffelTons, Jofeph. Antiq. lab. i 2.5. Afterward, the Romans with their CaptainScam-1.0 pierced in, even to the rock of Arabia, much more did they bring under their fubjeftion thole countries bordering npon Iwdea, kepis. Ant.lib. t 4.q. And again, Au?ufttu Cafar lenttElitu Callus into Arabia toattempt thofe nations and countries,Strabo lib.16. in Arabia,hutnnderTra_ janus Arabia was madea Province, as SextusTurf HiJi.Antiq.lib.5. de Cnrulibus. It could not be therefore faid,that thefe nations il-iould efcape out of the hands,either ofAntiechur,or of the'1omans,but on- ly of theTurk himfelf,who as a Channel bath thefe wafts to rcftraine his raging billowes with thefe íhoares. Ver,1 41. And he'hallflretch forthhis handupon 'the countries, and the land of F.gy ptall not ercap .] The Angel yet goeth forward to declare the greatntffe of his tyranni -,in certain particular Provinces, amongft hich,hefpecially,and by name,cxpref1ethEgypt firft of all, Eeeeec z and