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916) andf©irit other regions of the Continent, as well becaufe the IeVoes did thereefpecially live in exile,to whom this comfort was chiefly in- tended, as alto becaufe the conqueft of thefe countries fhould, as it feemeth, be the fait. Toftretch the hand then, is to offer violence, to mnakewar,ind to vangtiifh and tobring into fúbjedtion againft their wills ; this rage and tempcít was to fpread it fèlfinto divers counrrier, and the'Chri- ftian world hath at this day wofull experience of the truthofthis divine Oracle. Egypt was one, among the reft, which fhould bevangtiihed, and fibdued to this Empire;which that fameZelìm es;ofwhom we fpake in the former.verfe,brought under his fubjeFtior,in the yeer.rS r5 He had indeed intended, and prepared his voyage againft the,JÉr;an But when Campfön G.zariu.rthe Sultan ofEgypt,had taken 2/it/dinus his Nephew on the brothers lide,and hadfent a proud anfwer toZe limus,who ddirect ppeace,while he was occupied in his Perfan ware theTurk,on the fudden turned all his forces againft him. So having Hain him, and fcattered hisarmy, in the Province of Comaucna, hee gave not over,tillhe had pierced into Gasarius his KingdomofEgypt, through Syria and Tudea, and although it did valiantlydefend it felt,. he did utterly overthrow ir,and tread it underfoot. Antiochus, indeed attempted war againtt Egypt;but he wasconl rained to depart with- out doingof anything, for all his attempts were reltrained'byone comminatory warringof theRomans, fo as he was fain to-relinquitla that which' he had gotten, as Iofeph. ritiq.lib.12:6. How !hallwe then apply thefe things to Antiochús, who wasfar llort of the fuccefl ofthis Kingof the North. The 'Roman did'in- joy this Kingdomn, yet not by ft retching his hand uponEgypt;as the Tísrk,who overcame it by force and arms, but byrightofleague,and confederacie,- as all Hiftorians report. Now to finde our the true cveñts,we mull not only regard what was done,but after what man- . ner and fort alfô,_ wherein the 'P'rophecie is as certain, as in fore- ;hewing the things theinfelves, which are to be done. Vert: 43 Andheelball have power over the treaferes of gold and. 1:iver,andover allThe precious things of'oypt. j Thefewords` domore fhewed,how Egyptfhould not efcape,that is to fay, it fhould be full e4 tohis will, in fuck fort, as he may freely prey uponit, make havock';and fpoile of it, which we' Elide this Zelinatos did, when hee iad;ta} Tömumbeiuf Ma»eatucses, who had made himfelf King- affi.T04 irises: hi§death;he tried him-;with'a tedious=and' fh.arp exami- nation- . .