(917) nationabout his treafures,.before he would puthim todeath. What hidden treafures will not he finde out, and carry away, which conf}rainerh the King himfelfe by torments to bewray all ? how cruelly didhe rage ágainff the common people,. who had no regard ofMajcf}ie,and honour ?' ofvery good right did the Spirit takemention ofthehidden treafure, for the finelling, and. finding out whereof, firth a deal of cruelty was tiled. And when there was no moregold,.leafi any thing thouldbe wan- ting whichmight further his defires,.he carried:awav more then five hundred families out of all Egypt, fpecially, out of the City _Mem- phis, of the moil wealthy and noble rank, betides a great multitude ofwomenand childrenofthe Maratukef, whom he commanded ta be flame every one: A kindofmen, indeed, worthy to dye an evil! death, No filch thing was ever done by .Antiocl w. And although the&omans hud power overthe treafures ofEgypt, which they with greedineffe, and cruelty, extorted in - all places, by all the meanes they.could, yet this power was not of the the fading, but of the fiourifhíng eftate of the Empire, whole time is now handled, as tue have feene, in the beginning of the 40. verge. Whatloever things therefore are'here mentioned, as tome wayes agreeing to the Ro- manr, we hall finde muchditfcring in cime; fo as the;diligent and attentive reader cannot bedeceived. As concerning the Ly.bians and Ethiopians, who, faith he, (hall be at his f cps: thereby. is fignú:eti,that thefeNations allo (hall Cerve the King of theNorth, whofe -flaps -and ,goings-they 6hall o ferve, and fhould joyn themfelves as companions in his expeditions. Lybia is a common name,of the whole continent of the third part of the world, which is now called Africa : and it is a fpeciall .naine of a certaine part of the_ Country, which againe is dig inguifhed into two other Lybies, fo as in the whole it is threefold. It hashnot :his name Of Lybia the wifeof Epapk ss, or any fuch like, as the 'Greci- am-would have it, butof Leb-abim, by contraftion Lr>bir, as the native swords are ufually corrupted among forraign nations, for the Countryis fo called for the flame, and £torching heat of The . Sun, wherewith it is alwaies fcorched and-burnt. And thole Lelia- bim took their original'ofALfitzraìm, Gos.-io. 3,, Some refer Leí- biìn to the root Lebab, and the forme of the Noune loth admit this-notation, as the more fit, neither is the lignification difagree- ing; Peeing that the Lybianr go before;a!lother nations in-craft; and fatttllpollicie. But