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(928) But Daniel feemeth to life the word corrupted, rather-by the cu- fLom ofNations,then contracted after an ufuall& accuffomed maner. 1he Ethiopians here, or Cu/bízn, whole father was that fonne of Cham,Gen. to. 6. And although the Cu(l,itesdid inhabite far and wide, in 'Ilia and Africa, yet they feeme, by a common, and gene- rall name, to befpecially pointed ar, which inhabit from the South ofEgypt to the fea-ward. The Angell therefore faith, that there Nations fluff follow the TurI i7, Enfignes or at leaff the Turkwith his fteps thall come unto them, that is to fay, with his Emiffaries, Bafrawes, Begoes, and Agoes, and other meffengers, which he ufeth as +..tops to over-run far difant places, and to bring them under his fubje lion. And we know a_ llo that a great part of Africa, betide Egypt, is now poffefffed of theTurke at this day. Arc,adem es Bar- baroffa the Turki(h Ambaffidour, did deprive Malrafies the hing of Tunis of his Kingdom, whom the Emperour Charles the full, i, rcicored againe in the yeere 1535. who fix yeares after, had crea- tion againe to laile to Argiers in e/Ifrica, to keepe the Turkle bulled in far dif}ant places, to bridle, and ref .line the infolencie of his late vi logy in Europe, with Tome loffes in Africa, if it might be. But C.e- f.r now arrived not with the like happie fucceffe as he did before, for the third day there arofe fuch a rcmpeft,and violent fall of raine, that he loft many of his (hips, guns, and all other provifion, yea he wanted many thoufand of his Souldiers, whereby he was conftrai- ned to depart without doing any thing,and to leave that whole Pro- vince to theTurkkes. Yet not there alone are in his Reepes; but Ez,e- chicl facingdown the Armie of Çoo, whom in the Revelation we have manifelily proved to be the Turk, Both conjoyne together, the Ethiopians, and them of Phut, the furtheff weflterne Lybianr of the Countrie Tingetana, Chap. 38.5. Now if there things be applied to Antiochus,we (hall fee a wonderfull difference. He had no com- mand over Egypt alone,much tefle over the Lybi,in: and Ethiopians, whom henever came neere unto, either by himfelf,or by his meffen- gets, in any warlike expedition. The Romans wereof old the Lorders of all this Countrie, but in their prime flourifh of their Kingdom, not at the time of the end, whether the Angel hath already brought us, as we laid before. Verfe 44. But ty.dingr out of the Eafl, andout of the NorthJball trouble him.]Hitherto of the profperous affaires of the King of the North, now follow the adverfe, and f rR by tidings. All the former paffages have (hewn us things pall already : for once Antiochus, the Romanes,