( 929 ) Romanes, andTurkes , have plaid their parts, who with grievous calamities have waned, and at this time do wait theIews, partly , while they reteined the religion given them fromGod, and partly, whilft to this day they dowickedly obferve their ceremonies abrogated long ago. But thofe things which follow from hence un- to the end, do thew us alto of things to come,as it will eafily appear by the particular expofition. We have oftentimes incountred that opinion, whi,.h attributeth all thefe things to Antioch, , to that intent truly, that itmight appear in every particular, how much it wandreth from the truth;we are yet toproceed in the fame,that we fuffer not our felves to be deceived by it, when we (hall fee the dif- ference, and difagreement thereofon everyfide. I donot therefore find what tidina-from the Eaft fhould trouble him, except happily that rich temple of Diana in Elanois did trouble the man : yet that .mefíage was more to provoke his loft in coveting, then to ftrike any fear into him. And what need was there togo thither with fuch a cruel' minde, utterly to defl;roy all, where gold, and not blood, was fought after. Neither was there any forcible attempt to any private trans goods; but onely tafacredwealth,.wher.ewith the Iewcs often- times, beingmore jealoufly affetial to their facred and holy things then thofe ofElanoies were, redeemed both their lives and libertie. And grant him to be Attiochus Epiphanes, was he fo mad, or befide himfelf,, that being affrighted with Eafterneand Northern tidings, himfelf(hould go into the Eaft,and fend Lyfiaa into the South, and fer noguard at aft toward the North? Our learned Broarghton law , that thefe tidings were no way like- ly to trouble the man , and therefore he taketh in the Partition war, which Floras reporteth to be between Pharater and Antiochua , the Kingof Syria, in the Abridgment of Livi,u 5.9..but the learnedman was deceived in the name,and referreth that to Epiphanes,whichwas proper toSedetes many yeers.after,Liv.li. 46.fheweth, Epiphane.s to be dead ; but that which he mentioneth of Antiochaaa.1.59..belongeth. toSedetes,as it is manifel}out of luf:?in alfo,who iheweth Antiochus to have departed, whohad to. do withTopilius the Romane legate in Egypt, at the end of the 34. book: but the Tarthian warre was of another Antiochua muchyounger, the brother of Demetriau that was living, and taken by the Parthians ; of which war he entreateth in his 38. book. That is therefore a vain Parthian war,at no hand to be referred to thofe tydings. Calvin doth expound thefe things of Craffiu,.who beingovercome at Carras, in a great baudnot far from,: