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(930) fromRabyi n,the Romane whom he maketh this King ofthe North, was terrified with the report of this {laughter. Jr could not indeed otherwife be,but very grievous to the Romane, ro hear of the deathoffo great a Captain , and of fo great and well furnifhed an armie;but where are the tidings from the North? Cefar in the mean time did fubdue theFrench men neither were there any other Northern tumults.Where was this cruel expedition to deflroy, and utterly to make away many ? The Romanes did not much ftrive in the revenge of that overthrow, onely Antonine added more unto it, by the overthrow all() of his own forces. For whereas the F u-tbians brought the Eagles of Auguf/us, which they had taken away at the death of Craftts, they did it voluntarily, and not by conftraint, as Floras fheweth in his 4. book and I a.Chap. Further- more, where did the Romane plant his Tabernacle ? at the glorious holy mountain, that is toffy, in Iudea, the holy land, thereby to re- pulfe the fear of thefe tydings ; or how came he to his end in the fame land, who flourifhed fo long after , and when he began to fall, he had his overthrow any where fave thereabouts ?There are many fwch like arguments which will not fuffer it be referred to any omane. Wherefore thefe words belong to the Turke, whom we have hitherto Peen to be meant of the King of theNorth and the tydings oat ofthe Eaft and theNorth, which (hall fo trouble him, (hall be the report of the Iewes converted to the Chriftian faith We know this nation is difperfed almoft through the whole world, but yet they moil abound in the countries Eaft andNorth,in refpeft of Iudea ; For they be bordering upon their native Countrie,and the remaines of their brethren, which wereof old carried away by the Afryrians, and inhabited thefe very places, might thither invite, and allure others, as often as they were to remove out of their own country. Out of both thefe regions the Iewes at length (hall (hew them- felves, who (hall give attentive ear unto Clara. This did Revel. a 6, 13. teach usbefore, whereafter the overthrow ofRonne, El./Orate: (hall be dried up,that the way of the Kings of the East may be pre- pared. There have we (hewed, that this is to be underflood ofthe voca- tion of the Iewes, and that it belongeth to the very fame time with there tidings out of the Eatt, the molt deadly , and Tait warre pre- pared in both places ,do make manifeft.There the dragon muttering all his forces,doth go to a place called ,Armageddon, tocut off, and deftroy