( 931) deltrny utterly, but he Both bring deftruaion upon himfelf, for that next vial dotal powre out the laffdcftruetion upon all Gods enemies. Here theKingof theNorth íhalk go forth with great fury in the glo- riotis_holy mountain,to deftroy,and utterly cutoffmany, but;heíhal1 come to his eud,and none iha11 help him.Then immediately (hall the refurreá'cion follow,as we fee in the beginning of the next chapter. $út the Apocalyps makcth only mentionofthe Eaft,bccaufe the fi f, greateft,and chiefeft companieíhallcomefrom thence;yet in the new leru,:álem,nextto the firft gates on the Eafc,which are open to thefe Eat Eafferneiewes,ate thofe on the North, becaufe the brethren of thofeparts (hall makeup the next companieof Chafe that came on, flocking into the newcity,Revel.Chap.zi.13.Lnwhich refpet`t,E .e- chieldoth firft defcribe the Northgates of the holy City- refkored ; (hewing by this mixt and confufed order (his Prophecie giving the ñrft to the North, and the Apocalypt to the Eaff) that it skilled not much whether of the twaine we let firff , the delireof both , out of both Counrrics,will be foclofejoyned,and almcft unfeparablc..Ezek¿, chap,48.1. 16, and 30. This content therefore of Daniel, dothvery. much confirm our expofition of the Revelation, and the Canticles; but the matter will as yet appearmore evidently;when weQiall have gone over the reff of Daniel. Thefe are the tydings out of theEaft, and the North, which at length [hall benoyfed far and neer , after Rome {hall be defaced : the alive,and furviving,no good news can be expec`fed; C.hrift dotAi deferre thatjoyfull and happy timetoher fall and ruine , leaft that loathfome harlot fhould be partaker of filch a pleafant report. And how can it otherwife be, Luc this news muff be very troublefome to the Turke, who knowethwell, what a deal of mifchiefe may thereupon fall upon him? hehath enough to do to de- fend himfelf againfk us Chriffians of the.well alone ; what a terrour will-it be to fee himfelf,in the midfl;-of his enemies tobe befet before .arid behinde,at one time,and not only tohazard the lof e of his Em- pire,but ofthe name of theTurkes alto ? for then{hall that faying of theProphet be fulfilled, 1have bent luda as aboil,for me , 1have filledEphraim, han ,andhave railedup thyfont OSion,againft thyfans O Creece,,nd made thee as the¡i%'ordofa rnie,hty raan,Zach. 9.13. Now then will hegnalh the teeth,frer,añd chafe,ftorrne,and grow mad, he will appoint choife officers, and multer, and take up a.huge army, he will let forth to warre witha full purpofe to waft and de- ftroy all things, for as much as now he will fee the time at hand, either to:quit himfelffpeedily,or to peri±h forever. Andthe hómane F ff ff f Antichtift