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Antichrif -wifl` f ocd him anopportunity to turn himfelfwholly to that war, who will withhold us in thefe weft parts, with as trouble- force a war; as the Feevelation teacheth,Chap. i9. i 9. For he fhallre- vive and remain,a while afterhis forlorne and loft Rome,as we have obferved upon theeApocalyps 6.13,&c. Verf. 45. And hefhall plant the tabernacle ofthe Wrath ofhisjudge- anent between the feas , in the mountain of holy delight. j We have heardofthe tydings, and ofhis wicked purpofe,forrowttill prefages ofhis dcftrtratoner hand. Now the clef ruction it fell is fet down,.. a tweet comfort to all die godly,?nd ofall their tedious tronbles,but all this will be tïni hed in war :both the place, and itlue hereof art fet down in thts.vierfe... As concerningtheplace, before he defcribes it by his properntarkes; he fheweth ina word,what mannerofpro- vifion he fhoutd make in this place, he,faith,Ffe(hallplant therabcr- nade of the Wrath of his judgement, for fo. b: render, and Tranflatc A hole A'pbadno : The Greeks do retain the Hebrew word entire '44hadnen, and he fhall plant his tabernacle Aphadno ; b:rt <,fy>vsma- ebua renderethit 'ippofafrote, Stable, And he anti fpread the taber- nacles of his Stable, that is to fay, a Stable wherein his boric thai( Rand. The Vulgar Latineverfion Both imitate the Greekes,. -An.d he (halt plant his tabernacle Aphadro. The reft which I have feel' do thus with one. confenr, and he Shall plant the tabernacle of his palace. Tne ftrangenìffe. of the word,'no where elfe ufed in the Scriptures, and the convenien.y of the matter made me thorowly to °bferve the notation thereof, which feerneth robe compounded. of three 'ordsr Aph and Din, and the affix of the third perffn Dalerb, the wrathofhis judgement as if he would fay, He (hall plant the .tabernacles of wrath, whereby,he fhall procure upon himfelfjudgcm ment, and eve; lafi:ing deftruetion, a moft fìgnifrcant word , ufed of .p*rpof<,as it feemeth,tnoft divin,ly to comprehend in a brief fum,ad- mirable confolation.Hr feat indeedattempt deftruetion unto others, . but the rnifchieffhalffall upon his own head: he shall fnde,and,feel, that in himfelf, which he intended for others. ReverendBrou;hton faith, it is a B.:bilonian word offrequent rife in the BabylonianTalmud : but it may,be the !ewes did..'often infert the word,found inDttni, l,in,their writings in that fignification,whith th mfelves mwft fancied , though it, were common tife with the vulgar Rytbylonians.. The fit eompofitionof thefe Hebrewwords.. Moth make this opinion;more then probable._ .Now. for theplace of