9if) cafthc war, he faith, Between the -R4s: but whereabouts is that ? or rather where is it not , teeing the whole land isan Iland? he there- fore reft rains this largeneffe in the next words : In the mountain of holy delight, in the mountain Zfebi, ofthe Roe, or delight, that is to fay, in the land of Iudea, as we have feen before, in Verf. 4t. Hence let us take knowledge which Seas thefe be, the river Euphrates, and the Syriadi armeof the MediterraneanSea, as in the72.Pfalme, verle 8. And hefhall have dominion from lea to fea, from the river unto the ends ofthe earth : for fit-it, the Iewes fhall be here gathered to- gether,who now lie as Exiles, andout oftheir own countrey. All the Prophets fpeak ofthis returne, which they !hall advance, and take in hand, notfor Retigons fake, as if God could not elfewherc ._be worfhip ed,or a if it wereof neceflity to bring in the legali wor- lhip again,but not to ftrive any longer as ftrangers,and inmates with forraign nations, and that the admirable.goodneffe of God might openly appear unto°all men, now again, pitying his people whom he had eftranged from himfelfe, with fo long a divorce : Hitherto all() will the Turk come in hafte to opprefi_ this newly returned people. He will compaíè the campe oftheSaints, faith Apocal. 20. 9. and the beloved City ; But Ezikiel molt plainly, laying , After many daier that; fhalt be vifted in the latter ,veers, thou /halt come into the land Which is brcught backfrom theford, and isgatheredout of manypeo- ple, againjt the maintainer of Ifrael, t.'hich have been ala,aiet wag, !then hefhall bebrought forthout ofthe Nations, they jhall all dwell fafely; and there is much more, Ezek. Chap. 3g. S. The tydings therefore out of theEaft, (halt call the enemie into the holy land : not to Chinair,whither Antiochue went,not toBaby- Ion whither theRoman; went, to be revenged upon the Parthianr, fo as if there were no other markof the Kingof the North, befides the very place of the war, his perfon could not be concealed from anattensive reader. The if'iae of the war will be molt lamentable,forhe thall come to his end, and none shall helpe him : becaufe it (hall bee brought to paffe, not fo much by mans power, and forces, as by Gods owne mighty arme , glorioufly !hewing it felte from heaven , as it is Aiwal. 20. 9. But fire Thal! come down from God oat ofheaven to devour them. And I willpleadagainßhim, faith Ezech. 38.2x.. With peJiilcnce , and withblood , andit *ill rain upon them , and open hir bands, and upon many people, that are*ith him, anoverfowt- Ffffff z ing