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rngrairie, andgreathi1-j oker,ap' : indbrim:11one. What help and, aide can come again{{ tilde darts and arrowes? OTrirke,thou (halt thereforeperii}x, not onely the Prince hirnfelf, but all() the princi- pality it felf;;thg,name:fhall be utterly raced our, and thou (bait be torrncìit~ed eyevlafkingly, both for Lily horrible impiety ag ,inff God, and alfo-for;th}i !barbarous . 'wickedneík andcruelty ape,: men. Thouart left as another Pharaoh, footle to be,overthrownwith violent [tormes Lof the fiery lake, that both the great name of our God may he madé morefamóùs, as al!"ò, to_áfffart to all rho Saints, the argument Of a new .font of. thankfgíving. Suchis i there., fore the Kii7g .cf the North,.whovheñ he {halt perifh in the holy land, he can neither be cArntiockw, nor the ltoranc; who came.tcs their ends in other places. TheText ofthewhole tzth CHAPTER. N D at that time flall Michael {land up : the 1... a.n a.-ra . great Prince wliiçh,fiaideth for the children j ofthypeople, and. there. (hall bee a time of ik " trouble, filch as never was firice there was ab.dd., Nation even to that fame time : and at that time thypeople [hall be delis ered, évey one that hall be found written in the book. 2 And many of tláern;tl }at fleep in the dull of the earth, [hall awake, forme to everlafting life, and forne to finrne dndeverlafling contempt. 3 And they that be wife; {hall Thine as the..briáhtneffé ofthe ftrnrament, and th0 that turne many to r,ighteöuf i cffe, as the flags feirever and' ever. 4 Bntthou, ODaniel,(hut up the words, and feat the book,even to the time of the end : many fhall'run toand fao and.knowledge {hall be increafed. 5 . Then I Daniel looked,and behold,there.flood other two, the one on this fideofthebank of theriver , and the other on thn fide ofthe bank ofthe river. 6' Andone .lu id to the man clothed in linnet,, which waS