Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

(935- ) Kwas upon the warers.ofthe river, Flow long 'hall be to. the end of thefe wonders And I heard the man clothed in Iinnen, which was. upon the waters ofthe river,. when he held up his ta ht hand, and his Ieft hand unto heaven, and Pvare by him that lived) for ever, That it !hall be for a time, tints, and an halfe andwhen he fhall have accomplifiled tp, fc<+tter- the power oitl?e holy' people, all thefe things fhall be fiïïiíhed. 8 And I heard,but I underffood not then ftid I,O my Lord, what fhall be the end of théfe thing, And'he Paid; Go thy wraies Daniel ; for the wórd3 are doled upand fealed,till the,time oftheend. ; i o Many (hall be purified,and made white and tried but the wicked !hall do wickedly, and none of' the wicked fhall underíland : but the wife fhall un:erffand.: ti And from the time tu t die daily ficrifice Mall be 'taken away and the abomination that maketh defolace, jet up, -there fhall be a thoufànd twohundred and ninety da les. r2 Bleffed is he that waite_h,and cometh to the thou fand three hundred and five and thirtydales. 13 But go thou thyway.till the end be : for thou fbalt reft, andRand ill the lot at the, end of the daye`s.. ThtAnalyfis, or Refolutio e -Itherto of Opprefours , noa their deliverance r handled,Which in thegenerall, andin thù ,nd, is both ont of great afficliotf, ver. i. andafterwards to an unchangeable condition,andcitate,verf2.3. but in hù quality , it is both feated, vert: 4, and hark a double oppo,iri- on of time, thefaroproper to the Angel,.whofe preparation Ihewetb the number of t-he. Angels, and theplace, very 5. But the conference doh tongfl of a guenon, ver(.: 6. and an anfì.?er;confaflingpartly, ingeflure, ,,end partly,in Words, vert. 7. Theefecendoppofrtionofthe time is fucb, aó a man