936) manat length lbould underjland alfa, the otrafion Whcreo( was alfa theicnorancc, and the quellton ofDaniel,nerf.8.Tb: anfwer ofthe An. gel tipartlyNetative, and refufinQ, vert 9. partly, confelatorie,as Well univerfally, Which belongs to all Saints, ( Whom he/heWeth this dark- ne ,Te and ob(surity /hall nothing hurt, vert: t o.) and Withal!, yeeldeth help andaJffance to underfland the double time exprefly determined, vert II. thefacond, vert. t 2.as altoparticularly, Which belongeth te, andconcerneth Daniel himfelf, verf. 13. TileScholia, or Expofition. I.ANdat that timeJhal Michaelfland up, thegreat Prince.]This Taft Cataftrophe, and turning, clothprofecute'three things in order : who(hall deliver, from whence, and whom. Some would have Michael here the defender, to be Chri(l:, and it is very certaine, that he is the great Prince; yea by far the greateff ofall, the Prince of his Eleft people, who hath delivered his Church aiwayes, and will deliver it hereaftor;yet the name ofMichael here, feemeth to be forne certaine Angel,whofe minifkery the great Prince will ufe in this batte!!. In the latter end of the tenth chapter before, lie is ff oken of as a certaine helper, with whofe aide that glorious Angell atiìfted, feemethnotw=ithftanding to complains of his being alone: There is none that holdeth with me, faith he, in thefe things but Michaelyour Prince. But more plainely there, invverf. 13. And lo Michael one of the chiefe, or firft Princes; for Chrifi is not one of the chiefe Princes, as if hewere ofa certaineorder of Angels, and had a Companion of power, but all the Angels, as fervitours do minifter unto him. But thou wilt fay, Acad Hafbarim, is not one of thePrinces, but firft of the Princes, verily Acad, is of order foinetimes, when it is joyned withNounes of time, as in one of themoneths,that is to fay, in the firft day of the month, Levit. 23.24. And fo with this our Prophet in one yeare of Darios, that is, in the firft, Dan. 9.1. P romwhence one of the Sabbaths, for the firft day of the week. But the fame word jayned with others is, for the molt part, of number, nct ofor- der, as behold the man is become like one of us t Gen.3. 22. He dock not meane, as the firft of us : of which fort are many other places. That may be added allo, that the .Mch-angel! .elfichaed in }.tide 9. cloth