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(937 ) lothput off theDevitt to the Lords judgement, atiirfr'rül`_ife h::d not power andauthority to reftraine iiim, which .yet-notwitLftan- ding Chrift aoth exercife, Mar. 1. 15. as in many places tiftv.kere in the Gofpell. Neither is itlikely,that the Apoftle,ifhe lr{ad meant Chrift would not have called him by his proper name, efpecially when he doth bring his Argument from the greater, whofe force is much leffened, ifthatwhich is greateflof all be not called by his ovine, but by a far inferiour ride. Yet do I not fodifpute of this, as if i meant wil- lingly to contend with any man about that matter,but onely to finde out truth, whereof very great care is tobe taker, as much as may be, even in the favalleft`matters. Neither is it ofneccflity that things mull be doneby the miniftery of an Angel from heaven, in filch fort, as no part thereof fhould be acted by man, but Chrift may raife, and ftirupTome excellent man, in whole perforr he may prefenr a vilible Michael, as in that battell'-of Micha-/ and the Devil!, in Apoc.I. 12. we have feene : But what kinde of miniftery foever it thailbe; in what manner this Prince (hail cote prepared, and fur- Milled to the battell, it is at large declared in llpecal. r9. at. Se- condly, whence he thallcleliver, is from filch troublefome time, as was not the like from the beginning of al.! Nation unto that very time. TheTarr: is alwaies intolerable even in peace, refs, and vaca- tion, howoutragious will he be, when he (Bald be afraid of his own overthrow ? He'hath ft riven elfewhere about fome Countries, or at the urtermvft, abouttheEmpire,but now he muff light for ins life, wherehe muff either overcome, or elfe, not onely undergo the yoak offubjeftion, but be utterly deft toyed, and die with extreame torments. He hath oftentimes in vaine carved, almof infinite Forces into the field : howwill he be furnished now,whenbe (hall perceive alfnow (nail be hazarded at once for evet ?-: Out of thefe ftreights of time, any one may eafily conjecirure whathorrible turmoiles, the Cruel' beaft (hail make; but allo, on the new and Chriftian peoples parr, there-will be no leffe grievous a trial), when they (hall fee his horrible, and fearefull rempeft, im- mediately to follow the faith, which they fo lately had profeffed ? For they may Imagine God to beangry, becaufe they have forfaken their Fathers religion, anct-have embraced Chriftian, which their Miceftors did fohate? therefore the piritdoth foretell the grievous troubles of thofetimes,. leaft any man by the fharpeneffe thereof thoaldfall ffrom<the'truth, -God dbth-ufually turne the rage and fu- ry