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(938), ry of, :the adverfaries,unto his own p raife andglory;Ifother efcapes be flopped urb, he openeth a pafhige thro :agfi the Sea,, bringeth out of . the lionsden, and preferveth fafe in the lierie furnace,'neither cloth he ííi11 the raging waves , untill we fee our felv.s almoff loft: Wherefore as ofold in egypt, fo Salvationwill now fuddenly thine forth, but then efpecially, when all things feeme defperare, and paff recovery. But how is this aftliaion moft grievous ? of all former ,onely, which fome one greater fhould after fiuceed? not fo,but ofall with- out exception, for it (hall outftrip all the former, and it felfe ball be tall, which an everlalfing delivery fhall . prefently follow,for here-- umo is j. :)yned the rcfurreftion, after which no calamitie beex- peeled of the Saints. How therefore lhould ir either agree to, either dlntiochtu orRomane, avho,whatfoever mifchiefe.they did, it was but a Ilea- biting to this mileryof a thoufand fixhundred yéeres, where- in, as yet, the ]'ewes do lye buried, But this fit or flaarpe afhiult is not come as yet, fecing ,the deli verance is not yet happened, which 1hall fallout in the midff there- of. Who than bedelivered, they are fiat noted by their nature,then by grace : by nature, Thy people ;.By grace, Every one that fhall be found written in the book. That iheweth the nationof the Tewes, which were D.inie/s people,coming of Iacoh,.the fame common root and flock. So in the beginning of the verfe all() , (landing for the childrenof thy people.,whereby he teacheth,that this deliverance is not prefently, but tobe expetled in their pofleritie , namely, their. Cüiidren, but how many ages afte r,fhall appear afterwards. This Prophecie therefore is proper to the Iewes, but thence it will not follow alto, as proper to the time of 2Intiachur, fe.eing the Iewes may be afiliçled as Gods people , howfoever they fuffer not for II/1o''aicall ceremonies , as it will fall out when they come to the faith. I would that worthy Rroirghtbnhad confidered this,he would not have fo drawn all with a wry neck unto Antiochur. But there (hall be alto a .choice; and difference in this people Their deliverance ball not be fo confufed,to bring all to ern-nail life,bur thole onely, which together with this outward fafety , from there great dangers, fhall be by Paving faith adopted for bons, whole narnes,God in his everlafting decree,hath written in the bookoflife; for, it is not in him that willeth,orrunneth,but in God that fheweth meroe : neither is it in our power to receive faith, or beleeve, but is onl theirs who have the earnetf penny of eletion. It is very like- ly