(94o ) North into the land of tfhebi , be either the expedition of Antic. chats, or the Romanes , into that countrie , then this ,refurre&ion which immediately followeth, is either not proper, or if it be proper, then that expofition of Antiochnn and the Romane is not true, and natural[. Bat you will fay, Let us hazird the loft;: of that expofition , rather then Puffer this of the refurreetion to be re- taken fo from us. Let it be a continual! orderly prophecie, let it be (hut up at length, with the laft refurrec4ion ; but the Angel will not have it fo, who fpeaketh fo exa&ly, as if he did it of purpofe, to meet with this ft range expofition. Many of them, faith he, that Pep in the4eitt flail awakf ; the re- furrection (fo properly called) is common to all, as many as from the fir(I; Adam, do Beep in the dull; but when this is onlyof fomr, it is manifeft to be thine other,then that which is properly fo called. But fume will fay , Some are put for all. Once happily, or twice, in Rom. 5.1.5. 9. But we muff not {-tart from the naturali lignification, but where there is necefiity of the figurative,here nothing inforceth to leave the proper:but contrariwife,there is a neceffity to retain it for feeing this refurree}ionis the fame, with the deliverance in the former verfe, madeindeed outof the book of life,after the manner of the refurre&ion, and beingof one onely people of the Iewes, as was obferved before, they are laidwell, Many to beawakened, When the men of one nation,and notof all mankind do arife: there- fore our Broughton doth not well tranilate it, for the many of them that{leep in thee.arth, ofthe duff fhall awaken; for the many, is as much as the multitude, or the univerfall of them that Beep ; altoge gether from the ipinde and purpofe of the prophecie. So dangerous a thing it is to put in any thingofourown in doubt- full places , which are rather to be left pure and imire, then tobe prejudiced by any additions. It mákethfomewhat alfo, that there ward ofthe bef} here, is much inferiour to that which all fhall have thereat the laft,in the refurre&ion,all the righteous (hall Thine as the funne in the Kingdome of their father, Matth. 13.43. but in this, they whole reward is greateft, filial! not exceed the brightne.ffe of the ftarres. But they, faith he, that turn many to righteoufneffe,fhall be as the ftarres for ever and ever. It it at rnanifefl difference between that, and the heavenly Crown. Befides, which ¡Itifie,faithhe,intimating a place for doctrine in this refurré&inn; whereby godly minds, be- inzandued with the'kn vledge of Chrift, doenjoy true righteouf- nelle