(94t ) nef"fe and holineffe, when as in that laft reeurreetitin, Pt'ór:he:y fh U ceafe ; and all this pellicy, wherewith the Church iS tout{ governed upon earth, i Cor. 13. 8. and !aft of all, the Angel both ktibweth, and teacheth others the day of this refurrec`hion, as wewill Phew in the laft verfes of this chapter : for the end Ofthere wonders, where- of they inquire afterward , verfe 6. and 8. Both include this refur- retion, the laft terme of the former prophecy , and a thingwor- thy of admiration : but the day of the lait refrirredion is hid from the Angels themfelves, yea, f.om Chrift himfelf,as the Son ofman; much more from Daniel, or any other of the Prophets, Mar.13.32. Thefe things therefore in..ke againft the proper expounding of the words. CalvinobJekth one thing againh the figurative, which is the rcftoring of the Church ; neithci will that itand,faith he,; which is laid, fome (hall rife to life, others to fkratiie and contempt ; if this did only agree to the Church of God, ftrely none flrould arife to Brame and contempt. But it may be anfwered, That the Church is a field, mingled, at leaft, with tares among good corne, a net not al- together without bad fifh, a houle not without Come veffels to dif- honour : wherefore it is needfull to preferre forme particular refto- ring of the Church, before that generali expöfition of the general( relurreetion. Neither is the certainty of the bodies refurreetion,any whit at all weakened thereby. This doc`îrine is confirmed by other Scriptures above all exceptions : and this very place, whofe proper Peale and meaning we have cleered, Both make fomewhat alto, for confirming thereof. The fpirit of God would not fooften, and dili- gently, ufe this allegorical! refemblance, if it didnot thereby declare the thing íhould melt affuredly come topaflè in his time. Otherwife, it were an eafre matter to avoid all the promifes confirmed by this type, as no whit more certain, then the refurrecîion, whereof there is littleor no hope at all. But the holy Prophets do leave no ftartings back, whiff they bring the matter groundedupon manifeft promifes, and reliedupon by anted faith to confirme the fame. Faith therefore lofeth no- thing, although it doth ingenuoufly acknowledge what is due to every place. What is this refurreftion then ? the full reacting of the Jewifh nation; and their vocation to the faith in Chrift, for fo is our Conveyion ro God often called,in the Scriptures; the time (hall come, faith Chrift, and now is, when the dead (hall hear the voice Of the Son of God, and they that here it (hall live, Iola 5. ay. Awake thou that tleepeft,faith the Apoftie,Ephef. y. i4. and arife Gggggg 2 from