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(942. ) from the dead, and Chridl= (hall give thee light. But the Jewes--fpe cially (hall rif by beleeving, and riling out of their troubles, of whofe reftoring theworld hath little hope. The mightyhand of God will raife up thefe dead carcaffes, elfe it were incredible that this duff fhould live againe : wherefore the Apoftle fpeaketh of the Iewes, what (hall the receivingbe, but life from the dead, Rom. I r. 15. as purpofely bringing light unto this, and fuch like places. This Refurreftion then, is the fame which the Apoltles fpeakes,Chap.zo. 1 2,1 3. For this followeth the utter overthrow of Gog and Magog, that is p refently added to the deftruc`fion of the Turks, as we have expounded: and both Goa. .and the Turks do make the fame enemie, as we have (hewed in the Revelation at large. This is that Refur- reecion, whércof Ez,ech. Chap, 37. with this onely difference, that Ezechiel defcribeth'che fish converfionof theJ, wes, by life reftored to dead bones , andDaniel expreffech their firff converfion , by the tidings out of the Eaft, and therefore the batte!! of Geg and Maw doch follow the Refurre.iion with him. But in this,and alfo in the Apocalypfe, it Both go before it. This is that revocation of the Shulamite, whereof in Cantic.6. 12, 13. R,ettirne, O Shulamite, retasrne, that Wemay -look,ipon thee : Or rather,that with that follow- eth ( for the renovation doch ra,her belong unto the tydings of the Eaft, in our Daniel) O that one vvouldgir'e thee as a brotherunto me, fucking the breafl.s ofmy mother, finding t' ee vvithout I vvould kite thee, yet I Jbonld net be d-fpifed.. So as an admirable confent of Scripture doch Thine forth every where, to confirme a matter altoge- ther unknown to the world,and we have expec`led nothing lefhe then that, almoft thefe many. generations. Such is the RefurreEtion then, the diftribution of them Jilt rife doch follow; offome,to eter- nal! life, and ofothers to flume, and everlafting contempt. For as converfion toChrift, is fpecially called Refurrec`lion, "yet notwith- itanding,thegeneral! deliverance from enemies,whichwas common to the whole Nation, Both in fame fort refemble it , when they (hall lift up their heads, andhand upon their feer,who lately were troden underfoot ofall, and were almoft brought to duff, with the weight oftheir long and tedious affiícftions. Out ofwhom,, thofe whofe hearts the Spirit (hall endue with , love and faith,fhall Purely awake, and come out of the graves, having now obtained the dignity of the childrenof God : Who thall enjoy eternal! life, not onely becaufe they (hall have the fruition thereof 'ial.heaven,but allo beçaufe there (hall be a perpetual! felicity in earth, not