Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

(943)' not to be ftained with former troubles of the fo rtner ages any more, but it fhall continue pure,' and fpotleffeuntill their departure into heaven, for nowwill God wipe all tears from their eyes, and there fhall be no more death,nor forrow,nor crying, nor paine, for the for- mer things are paffed away, Apocal. 21.4. But the rift, who being partakers of the deliverance , fhall yet perfift in the wicked blindneffe oftheir hearts,they (hall rife indeed, but to eternal' deftrudion ; feeing after this time, there is no pro- mife ofmercie to them, and of calling them to the faith, whereby alone we apprehend and lay hold offalvation: for all the Iewe+s will not give confent to the fame truth,but fome of them will perfevere,& perfift in their old hardnes.of hearr,howfoeverGod (hall give a deer teftimonie to his fon,by fubduing all their adverfaries. There is no place therefore left in the new lerufilcm, for the fearful', and unbe- l'eevers, and the abominable, and murtherers , and whoremongers, and forcerers, and idolaters, and all lyers, which is fpecially fpoken of the obdurate and hardened Iewes,although the men of the fame rank, in all other nations alfo, ¡hall be in the like eftate and condi- tion, Revel. 21. 8. Verle 3. Andthey that are Wire fallditear the 6riihtnefe ofthe firmament.] The other diftribution of them that rife, is of Saints on- ly, whereof tome bee people, fome bee the teachers : both are il- luftrated by a fimilitude, they ofthe firmament, rhefe of the (tars. For Ido agree with learned Calvin, who taketh Hamafhchilim in- tranfitively, as allo a little after in the tenthverle , where without doubt,knowtedge is not tiedunto teacher=,which thence appeareth, becaule Hamafhchilim, the wife, are thereoppofed. Lerifhagnim,to the wicked, for onely the Saints, and all ofthem are truely wife, but the wicked, although they excel' in policy, craft, and fubtilry'in all trades and euftomes of living, yet notwithftanding are empty and void offound and true wifedome, and are invery deed laid to bee fooles, as Solomon doth often call them. But now, all thepeople and whole company of the faithfull (hall be pare and cleane, Tinirgwith beauty of intire ho.lineffe, likeunto the firmament it felf, whither no cloudafpireth, norany earthlypol- lutionafcendeth, to cafl.any afperfion, or blot thereupon. The .firs marnent is-often covered all over with thick clouds,, and taken out of our fight ; but here it is fpoken of, not as it often feemeth tous, but as it is in its own nature. But they that juaifieothers by teaching, admonilhing, Exhorting, reproving;