( 944) reproving, and comforting, which are parts and dutiesofthe Tea< chers,and they which injoy publike office in the Church,lhall be the folideft and cleareft part oftheirfpheare and comp affe, and {hall be- comealining (tars, wherewith this firmament (hall be beautified and adorned, themfelves in the mean time injoying thechiefefl glory. So in the fir Chriftian Church the Minders were ftars,which one like the fonne ofman, walking between the Candle(ticks, did beare in his right hand, Apo. 1. t o. Thefe Teachers of the ?ewes (hall injoy likeglory, which are pre- cious (tones, in the Apoc. at. 19. whereof is built the wall ofthe new 7erufalem. It is to be obferved here, that the Doctors and Teachers are de- fcribed by that prefent duty not formerly paft : for matfedikim,dorll lignifie them that do juftice,and not that have ju(tified, or turned ro righteoufnefe ; by which argument, we have (hewed before,thát the lal refurredion is not here intended in this place, where there will be no !lie ofprefent Teachers, but the formerpall- labours only {halt be rewarded. Furthermore, we may obferve, that here is a lei e re- ward, both of people and Teachers, then that which God bath laid up for all his own, againl the lait day, who flail be like es the Sun. If therefore the Angel do here now fpeak of the greaieft glo y of the Saints, why fhould he fignifie it by the refemblanceof the fir- mament ? Betides, What fingular thing have the Teachers, if they attain to no more then that which is commas to the Teachers here in this life ? Thefe are all {tars, as the place even now fpoken ofdid teach us : but now they are alto called Angels, whole likens ire and fimilitude, feemeth to be the highell top of our felicity and happi- ne(fe : Indeed, they are called Angels, but by reafon of their Mini- (tery only, and not of their prefent glory. The Spirit therefo e would Phew us by the rewards themfelves, that this is force other refurredion, then that which (hall be, ofall men at the !aft. Verf. 14. And thora Daniel,Jbut up the Words, and real thebooke.J Hitherto is the firft part of the chapter,now he commeth to the refs, where fir(t, is a fealing, conufting ofa precept, and the putting in of a tacite and clofe objeáion. The precept is of(hutting the words, and fealing the book, even to the time ofthe end. But how ( hould this be ; Should Daniel keep it to himfelf alone?wherfore then did he commit it to writing? TheAngel would have himwrite it in the fame words, and after the fame manner whichhe had received it,to adde nothing ofhis owne, by