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(946) But for what caufe would Godhave there things (hut up for a time? Fiift,that the wicked, by feeing fhould not fee, and by hearing fhould not beare, wherefore Chrift fpake in parables to the unbe- leeving Iewes, and Iòhn was commanded to Peal up thofe things which the thunders uttered, Secondly, That fecurity should nor growupon the Saints, by the expec`lation ofa long time,to whom the opinion of an end alwaies approaching, fhould be profitable , whereby they may have their Lampes alwates in a readineffe. Thirdly, that there might be a teffimony of Gods truth in thofe ancient times, when the wicked, at length, fhall know that thofe things wereforetold many ages before, which tuemfelves do finde moff true, after it is too late. 4. Laflly, becaufe this obfcurity (hall not take away all under- ffandingof the Saints,but dial whet only their diligence in fearching, to whom the Angel promi',:eth a further profiting , and proceeding, Peeing by their godly labour and diligence, God Both make over to the godly all his my-fleries and fecrets in God. Verf. 5. And I Danil looked, andbehold tWoflanding. ] So is the fearing, now followeth the firff defigning of the time ; the prepara- tion whereof, doch propound unto us, two other Angels, and the place where they flood. The number feemeth to be added, for the ,confirmationof the whole matter. Inmens Courts, God hath ap- pointed every matter fhould be eflablifhed by the mouthof two or three w,tneffcs, Dent. 19. 15. After the fame manner, the more are fent, that the matter might be more confirmed, and humane infirmi- ty regarded and provided for. Now might the Prophet try his right by Lawwith the Angel,ifhe had deceived, or the thing fore- told him fhould not come to palle. The place where they flood was, at the bankofthe river,one,at one fide ofthe bank,and the other,on the other fide, and the river was Hàddik-1, as wee learn by the io. Chapter, verf.4. the third river ofParadife, Gen. 2. 14. It is not certainly known, whether the Prophet were bodily pre- fent by this river, or the fight thereof were afforded him after ,a Prophetical( manner. If it be this, there is force great matter in it, why this alone fhould be offered to his very view above all the reff; but if he werebodily prefent, which I rather thinke, Daniels com- pany flying away for fear, Chap. r o. 7. neither can it be without caufe, thathe maketh mention, -ather of the river, then of the regi- on, and countrey : And wee thall fee affuredly, that of the four vifìons,