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( 947 ) eviíonc, which were (hewed to Daniel, three of them were at the tvaters. And not without good caufe, when as vifions do forcfhew the affaires ofnations, and people, to be done in ages to come, and waters do both lively refemble the troublefome tempeáls of world- ly bufineffes, with the variable and inconflant condition ofpeople, and alCo, thereunto are frequently ufed in Scripture, as in Etech 26.. z9. when I!hall make thee a defolate City, by bringing np thedeep tap_ en then, and ,treat Waters 'hallcover thee. But waters do differ, ac- -cording to the diverfity of the things, thereby fignified. In the F. tit vifion, the four Winds of heaven ftrove upon the great sea, and four great beafls came up from the Sea, Chap. 7. a, 3. becaufe as the Sea is thecol leetion, and gathering togetherof waters, fo there was ,.entreated of the matters ofall people, which íhould all be diflurbed with there four Kingdomes. The'lecond vifion was at Ulay, no Sea, but only a River unknown, not famous, not let out with any noteat all ofany excellency ; fo itvthat vision the Empire of the whole world was not entreated of, but fume particular nationr,the Medes,' Per'faans, and Grecians, in which the Prophecie floppethhis narra- tion, as it were, in fome creek ofa great Sea, and River, drawn and derived out of the deep, Chap.8. 2. Thelafl vifion was at Hiddikel, -a particular River alto, but filch a one as flowed out of Paradife, even as the matters therein handled, do fpecia fly refpeti a particu- lar people, but holy and eledì,whofe fpring and originali dotti come out ofParadife, the infinite graceofa mercifull God, which runneth thence along through the flock of the holyPatriarches in all ages, as it were, thorough a channel!. The former vifions were allo ¡hewed for the Churches fake only, but theydeclared flourilhing nations. I irfl, the foure great`Monar- -chies,afrerward the Medes,Prrjîans,and Crccians.This alone Iheweth the full deliveranceofthe holy people,and therefore they were given at the fea, and unknown waters, like to people ofno account with God:but this was given at the holy River, that he might more lively fet before our eyes, the conditionof-thatancient and-holy people, by the elecîion of Grace.Such. a River therfore is it.Now,the Angel; do not (land both on one fide,but are feverally placed,and keep both the banks,hecaafeCod defends this people on every fide by his tingch,to whom he hath given in charge,not only to be carefull-ofTome of their matters, andëarelefle of the ref}, but;to perfe& all things which do concern the fafety of his elec`c. This is a great comfort in time offo long a divorce,when ttheyunderhand that thei,God careth for them, Hhhhhh and