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( 94g ) and that there remaineth afeed ofeleftion amongíf rhem,though the blind world Teeth it nor, as being far hidden from mens eyes. Verf. 6. And hefetid Canto the meta Clothed in linnrn.] The confe- rence of the Angelsfolloweth ; and firfl, a queftion before, which we have both the perfons propounding ir,and to whom.The propounder ofir,was one of the Angels, which flood at the banks. Both do not inquire by words, although thedefire of knowledgeof it was com- mon to them both. It was fufficient for the one to receive the an- fwer,neither was it material! which of them demanded it;Therefore.- whiltif one fpeal:eth, the other expedeth in Thence; modeflly obfer- ving,order,.the author whereof; the holy fpirits have alway.esbefore their eyes. The Angel whom he inquireth of, was clothed in linnen,. to wit, garments,for Budien,are Prieftly garments made of fine linnen,pecu- bar only to the Pricft;whence happily they have their name,`-or Bed, is a fale and angular clung that cloth agree but to one,and therefore the Prief s are noted by thefe garments, as Dog is faid to have (lain .fourfcore and five perlons wearing a linnen Ephod,a. r 3.Da- vid went before the Arkin filch an, Ephod,a Chr n. rá.27. but it was extraordinary, and he that was a.perpetuali type ofChriff our King, might-for a time, joyne, or ufe a f ricfily habit, moved thereto, no doubt,bv divine infpiration. But as thefe garments didbelonc only to the Prtefs, fowere theyproper only to the holy place ; for when.he was t;) go from the Altar, althoughin:his facred funftion they were. to be put off, and others.put on, Lev.6. z 1. yet the Levites teem to,: have tiled them,in carrying the Ark fromthe houfe ofOWEdam, to theCity ofDavid,' C?rox.15,27. yet it may be thefe garments were:. not the 'Badimofthe Priefrs,nor that Ephodof D;Ivid,but fume fpe-- ciall ornament, for joy and folemnity ofthe time,which David wore in cornmeal with the Levitef, whofe duty it was to carry the Ark, as if he had longed,and leaped for joy, to be counted in:thenumber of. the facred and holy Minifters. The other word Tuts, theretifed,_cloth feem-ro lignifie this diffe reace,fo as Bad in the endofthe verfe,may by a common name Phew tine like garment, both of the Kings, and of theLevites,neirher the . one,nor the other,ufng that which=belonged only to the Priefts,and the -holy place.- forto adde one thing more, becaufe wee have entred upon this. matter:of garments ; thefe were fo proper, and peculiar to the holy .place,that. they were to be nfed, ifthePriefls were there converfant,_. though