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949 ') though upon other occafion,then for Religion, whereunto tendeth thatof7ofephur, That when Hemel reedified the Temple, and could not himfelte, for Religion fake, enter into the inward parts, hepro- cured the framing thereofby the Priefts, a thoufand of them at his coif; were clothed with Prieftly robes, andwere not unskilful', fome in mafonry, tome in carpentry, Lib.Antiq. 15. r4. Thefe garments do therfore feem toprovehim to be Chrift,who is the onlyPrieft,worthy to be confultedwitn,in all doubtful' matters, whofe lips preferve knowledge, and at whole mouth the law is to be inquired. He is alwayesin theTemple,in themidft ofhis own,and 'therefore is alwaysclothed llwith holy garments:which yet will more appeare,ifwe confider him (landing upon the waters of the River. The other two Angels, eachof them kept his banke, looking to their tasks enjoyned, but thecare of all layupon this, and therefore as the Spirit moved upon the firft waters,fuftaining them in that con- fution,by his mighty power, Gen. I.2. fo Chrift watched over the af- faires of his Church, which would quickly come toutter ruinei if they were not fupported by his power. But it is to beobferved, ifthis be Chrill, Michael is nor, for bee loth plainly diftinguifh between himfelfand Michael, in the endof the tenthChapter; and there is none that holdethwithme,faith he,in thefe things, but Michael your Prince. Such are therefore the perfons conferring the @eftion itleIf, How longThal itbe to the endof thefe wonders? that is to fay,when (hall the end of thefe wonders be ? The Angels do deliretobehold and pry intothe fecretmyfterie of redemptioi, unto which earnefk Rudy they might privily give themfelves, and enquire thefe things apart, in their example were nothing pertinent, to kindle and in- 'flame our induftry. Who therefore,can without great blame,be negligent in inquiring after thefe things,whereofhe feeth the Angels fo greedy,though ex- celling in multiplicityofknowledge of things.Neither is this their ig- norane feigned : for to what end fhould the anfwerer fo earneftly fwear,inamatter ofno doubt ; for their fakes,efpecially,did he fpealc fo earneftly by affeveration, knowing that Daniel could not under- Rand his anfwer.And we know,that the Angeis,thoughthey be ofan excellent undertlandingof al things creáted,yet are ignorant ofmany thitigs,till they be further informed. For they are not only ignorant ofthe laft day,but alfo, ofthat manifold wifdomeof God, in the my- fiery of the Gofpel, Which ig nowmade knownby the Church, unto Hhhhhh 2 prisa