(950 principalities, and powers, in heavenly places, Ephef, 3. I7, They delire to have thefe things fhewed unto them, whereby the might the more magnifie the great, and high Creator for his infinite Wifdonae. Vert 7.1îd Iheard the man clothedin linnen.]The anfwer is con- firmed by an oath,the formwhereof is expreft,by geffte and words. The gefture is the lifting up ofboth hands to heaven ; That is to fay, towards heaven, It was an ancient cuftome in fwearing, to lift the right hand to heaven, as if they would call him to be prefent for a witneffe, whole Glory and May:fty Both flhiue, efpecially in the heavens : but he here clothed . in linnen,by lifting up both his hands, Both ferionfly Phew force excellent matt,ànd dothmore pierce,and and affeFi the minde., witha feule of the higheft MajeftV. As often as the name of God is tobe ufed,thenünde is to be railed up, to as great a reverence as may poilibly be, and how much more of us miferable men,very duff and earth,when as the mighty,and ho- ly Angels do foprepare, and difpofe themfelves,at the very mention. of him. O you moil filthy beafts,which do in moçkrÿ- pollute his.ho-: ly name inyour common talke. The folernne words are by him that livcth for ever. In all invocation, when the minde is, not capable of thedivine exceeding greatneffe,an attention is fpecially tube fafined on that parr, as I may fay, which is moli powerfulf to kindle, and flip, up our prefent faith; Whereas now therefore the times are fpoken of, he! moftftly bringeth in God living for ever, who can belt of all bear.witnefíe of the appointed periodsofall things, whole alone is eternity it Idle. But now, let us come to the matter it. félf;, which fçts dòwn the time two wayes,both by a certain diftribution,ánd by a fall difperfion of the holy people. The diliribution is more general!, and indefinite, whichmay as well agree to any age ; for what age is the re,wherein We may not finde a time, tiencs and a half ? But the other member, andwhen heíhai have accoinplifhed to fcatter the power of the holy. people. All thele things fhall beacçomplifhed ;dothrevoke,thatge- nerality,unto certain bounds,neither doth it permit a warndring:into . all ages butmakes it proper_to,one certain : as ifhe fhoulld fay, All thefe-things.ihall have an end,.not at every time, rimes, and half a time; but at one certain time, when he (hall make an end of fcatter- ing the holy people : which plain and perfpicuous fentence,' makes me think that thole things canno wayes agree to e,1ntiocba4. For although. weegrant the time of his .afluffing theChurch, to: fait