Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

(951) fall fitly into this difcributionewhereof notwit1if anding,we (ball fee by.and by Had this people alto an end oftheir calamities with An- tcochue ? Did.that blefled refurred} ion , and happy, happen to the Jewes at his death ? What fcattering from the firft beginning.ofthe Nation,is comparable to this, wherot they have had now filch mifera- ble experience,thefe many ages,fince theircrucifying ofChrifl?lt as not more grievous tobe of lifted in their own countrey, then to be feattered through the whole world : to want their countrey, goods, ofate.s and- libertíes,and to hold their lives at other mens pleafures, w.herefoever they live : betides, the diflribution fitteth nor. The moft learnedTremelirrs Both fo render it. After an appo, time,appointed rimes, Apart of time. The words are thus proper- ly,: At, or for an appointed, tirne appointee{ times and a half. For I think chef, is nowhere tiled but for a half, or eduall part ofano, her. But before, where the fame matter is handled, it is d phelae Rei' =far., and the divifronof time, Chap. 7. 5. I confeffe ir,, but becaufe the word phelag wasdoubìfuil, this Prophecy being more plain, as the litter alwaies tobe,doth by name expreffe:what part he meant, and fpeakctii of before, lure iialfu; Can we then after this falhiti,n divide the time wherein Ant cchen afflif ed the Iewes ? Our wri- ters dorefer theee things umo that time, wherein the daily facrifce was taken away by AItiochs ,.and theabominablefacrifces of the wicked Gentiles were fuhflitute, and put in- :lieu thereòf. But his time is far from the account : For this abomination lifted but three yeeres and ten .dares , .at the moil : The 15. day of the moneth chi/lcu, in the r45: veer, this impiety began, r- Mac,. i. 57. and in theyeer 145. the 25. day of the fame moneth, the abomination was put. away, and the temple cleacifed; r Mac. 4.52. therefore if one yeer be atime, twoyeers, times, ten dayes are diflant from the half;. 172. dayes. But Ioiephtts Both exprefly- confirme the affiduity,and continuance, of the daily worship, to have been inhabited for three yeeres,and fix moneths , In b_ llo Iadaico, lib. r. r r. But the Maccabeen countrey, that day the Heathen haddefiled ir, in the fame. day was it made new again, 1 Mnc. 4.5. where are then the Tx moneths of lofpín e, if it were reftored the fame day that it was defiled ?.-Thereunto agreeth the fécond book of Mae, ro. 5. That day the temple was polluted by f rangers, on the very fame day it was cleanfed again. Yea Iofephtes hiinfelf, amore faithfull wi,tnefi'e elfewhere,contradic - ed himfel£,