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And theyoffered whale burnt offering:, faithhe, upon the new altar, and that fell out upon the fame day, wherein theirholy things had been prophaned,three yeers before, Antiq. lib. 12. t 1. See how esquüîtely he fpeaketh, (hewing it alfo to be the fame day on the yeti-, not of theweek. Therefore the true time ofthis abomination, was precifely three yeers onely, we made mention lately of ten dayes more, but by them was fignified the beginningof that wicked enterprife revealed; What then came into Fofephau mindè, to make an addition of fix moneths more ? Surely, as it feemeth from the mif-underPcanding of thisProphecie,which he thought to be refered toAntiochm,hewould have fitted the time againff all truth of Hid+ltrie. Put yon will fay, though there things do not fitly agree to that three yeeres, yet they agree well enough to the terme of two thou- fand three hundred daies,'which time ofraging was appointed be- fore to Antiochur,by the Angel,Chap. 8.14. for if wee allow for a time 657 dayes,forrimes 1314. for half atirme, 328. the fum will be made up wanting but one day. Trudy, this conjefture cometh reer- er to the truth, then the former; and fhew.eth, what a neer con- jemftion these is between there twoenemies,who have thelike time ofraging allowed unto, yet it wandreth much from the meaning of this Prophecie:for this dtfiribution is the very fame, with that ofCh. 7.25.and belongeth unto ir. But that little hornofthe 7. Ch. which is the fame with this time, is not the fame with the little hornof the 8. Chapter, which is certainly Antiochus Epiphanes , and therefore we (hall notdo well toconfound the times, and to give that to one, which is proper to another. Not to (peak ofthe vifion of the7. Cha. which was at the Sea,but that ofthe the river ofVlai, & thofe in the7th. were written in thecommon tongue ofthe heathenifh King- dome, that thecommon Prophecy might come abroad unto all.' There in the 8. Chapter, in the proper and mother tongue of the holy people; by both which the Prophet would infinuate, that firft prophecy to be more general!, this more particular, and thofe which follow thence to theend of the book. To let theft things paffe, I fay : It is moll: certain, that the little horn of the 8. Chapter is ofthe third great Monarchie, whereofCh. 7.17. for it is of the Goate, which is called a Leopard,chap.7.6.with his four wingsand four Heads, thereforehe maketh one Kingdomet; with theGoat & Leopard. For the hornsmuff not be pulled offfrom the heads, and another manner ofKingdom appointed, of thofe,and of