(953) of three ; wherefore all theee do belong unto the third Empire and Monarchy, which is of the Macedonians. But the little horn cf tl:e 7. chap. is of the fourth.great Monarchy , except we wsli labour ro make them but three on1 ,which the Ac gel faith are four,char.7. I7. contrary to the ancient h itóries , which do acknowledge no fuch diverfity in the horns, from the bet ft it fell, whole the horns are,ncr obferve any uch thing in. 4tntiochu- : wherefore a new hingdome íhould begin Flom him. He reckoreth the ycers cf his hingdcme from Aftxandr, t Mac.1.. 1 I, and Íb ccnftantly thorow that whole narration. Surely , if a new government- was to beginfrom thence, the Spirit had direaed pen ro bring theaccount from his fi ft beginning , after the ma , t'1 er ofother Kingdoms. Furthermore, the li:.tle horn of the eighth crap.doth come out ofone of the four horns of- the Goace, but the little horn of the 7. chapter came up among the. othi r t en horns. Betides, this borne reigneth till the horns be caft down, and the ancient ofdaies.did fir, chap. 7. 9, that is to fay, tiil all the Kingdoms of the world be ovcrthrowr, and all principality come to Chrif}, ás it -will Toone come to paffe,ahter this blafphemous hornbe cut (ff. But prelentl:y after, Anriochus had not the kingdom, at leaft, that moil ample one of full glory, whom all nations lhould ferve , as it is there, in verle I4. It were tedious to gather all thofe things which thew ;difference. Thefe fewmay be futficient, to the'undeittanding and lovers of the truth. Seeing rherefoíe thefe things cannot agree unto Anriocl.:ud , we Hash leekout fomeorher Kingdom, which we (hall find to be no o- ther then theTurk j'h,whither the prophecy bathbrought us already, as-we have fhewed.This-is that little horn among the ten,comingout ofthe fourth great Kingdom,to wit, the Romane, moil famous in the Apocalypfe with the ten horns,chap.I2.3,&c. with whole iron teeth and nailes of braflè, all the rear were devoured and broken in pie- ces. The time ofthis little horn was limited before, chap. 7. 2 S. and is here repeated again, as the but and boundof that matter, which the Angels demanded. For the man clothed in linnen anfwereth, lhen, {hail be the end ofthefe wonders, when the blafphemous Kingdome of the nukes (hall come to an end , then God.íhould make an end of fcattering theholy people,and of powringObit his wrathany fur t4cruponthem. But what fhouldbe the time ofthis tyranny, is more plainly un- derflood by the revelation, where is given him an hour, -and a day, and