(954) and a moneth, and a yeer, chap. 9. i 5. which fum cometh to 39 5. yeers, every day being taken for ayeer, as we have there the w cd By which entire number granted , wemay now_underltand the rea. fonof the divifior, for a time is one hundred yeers, times zoo.yeers, halfa time 5o.whichwhole fpace,ifwe number from the beginningof the Turkifh power, anno I3oo.it will end atlength at theyeer,i65o. but 45.remain ítill;you wil fay,The reafon is;becaufe the 4poc.Ietteth down the Taft time of the Turkifh name, but the Angel here doth fet down the beginningof his ruine and alteration which deftruftion we (hall prefently fee to.be fet down in his expre(fé numbers,at verf. a r. and 12. following : as we have formy heard. Firft,the tydings out oftheEaft'[han trouble him, then Tome yeers after,his utter ruine (hall follow,in the land ofTfebi,Chap.t 1.44.45. But the diítributión uled in this place, reacheth to the tidings,and no further. Therefore, fo is the end ofthe wonders , when all there thïngs thanbe fulfilled, that is to fay, when the refurrection fball be , thé glory of the Saints Fall (line, the glory of the teachers (hall be chiefeft, and all other things brought to perfection,whereby Chrïfts Kingdom (hall have the preheminence over all ; Which things, if any man judge to be meant of the internal! Kingdom already obtained , he dftroyeth the prophecie, which is fpecially conver- fant in foretelling things which (hall be accomplifhed, being proper to certain places and times, and not alike common to all alike whereof what obfervation, or prediction, or admiration can there be,as is ofthere things which in the formerverfe are called wonders? It is to be obferved , that the fame diítribution here in this place ufed, in Apoc. 12. 4.are not ofthe fame continuance, for that of the Apocalyp/e is of 42. moneths, this of Dante! is onely of 13. and cer- tain dayes. Verf. 8. e/TndIheard,but underftoodspot] Hitherto the conference of the Angels, and the inftruftion belonging unto them. Now he cometh to Daniel.The occafion is his ignorance, and a cineftion the holy man heard, but he undetifood not. Ayoung beginner is not ca- pableof that, which the Schollers of the upper form do eafily and quickly conceive. A notable preef of difference, betwixt the heavenly and earthly Schoole. An obfcuredeclaration fufficeth them, which our dulneíik no.móre percein'eth, then the blind man doth the fun beanies, ai- thcuul: it be of themelt acute, and wittieft for who is more acffte then.