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(9") then Daniel ? But how , is 'Daniel now ignorant of that which he underftood before ? Hadhe forgotten it ? It was the fame divifion, of the fame Kingdom, in chap. 7. and a certain Angel, being asked of the whole matter,made knownunto him the interpretation of the the words,chap.7. r 6. There the continuance of the tyrannyonely was frgnified,by that diftribution,whichwas futficient to underftand that vifion. But now, another thing is demanded , when the end fhould be. Now continuance of a certain part of any thing, nnleffe we know where the count is to begin, doth leave themind, in doubt , floting, or wavering,with a confuted notion onely. This is therefore that whichhe defired to know , with thees- peftationwhereof, he might comfort the tedioufineffe of his prefent griefe. But happily, he is not without all blame , in that he focuri- ouflyenquireth into the times. Indeed, Chrift gave his Difciples acheck,for asking filch things ft is Not foryou, faith he, to knoW thetimer,andfeafönr,Which the Fa- rber loathput in his oWn polder, As i. 7. and howwas it, that Daniel thought not thus ? Surely , if it concerned me to know thefe things, the Angel wouldhave fpoken plainly , and hive fitted his fpeech to my capacity, but it feemeth, he would have me relI in the certain expeftation of things to.come to paffe one day ; whereupon , he did rife inch a folemn oath, and would have me to fearch no further, when they (hall be accomplifhed. Surely, the Angel, by not granting his requeft , doth feem fe- eretly to reprove it : yet not fo,but force fhould at length underftand chofe things, elfe he would not have added fuch -exprelfe bounds of thematter : and that Payingof Chrifl, is not fimply and abfolutely to be underftood, but in part , and in fome fenfe. For Pau/cloth define certain times, and all things are molt accurately delivered to to John in the Revelation. Therefore, he would not havehis Apoftles too careful! of the times , which did fo little concern their callings, but above all things,to be diligent in preaching oftheGofpel,where- in.confifieth the very life of falvation. Verle 9. AndhePaid , Go thy Way 'Daniel, for thy Words are clofed The Angel anfwereth , and firft by refuting to impart that which he demanded; Go thy Way, faith he, and be contented with thole many fecrets,which have been already revealed unto thee:there is a certain meafure of knowledge for every one, beyond which we may not paflè.Every man ought to contain himfelfwithin his bounds, 111 111 what-