Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

( 956) whatfòever.notabk , and remarkable thing is to fall out until! the Meffiab be manifefted in the flefh.Thou ha undoubtedknowledge, abundantly, cleerly, and exatily : that w hich from that time (hall after come to paflè, although thou fee thecontinuall . courfe thereof unto the Latex end, marked out, yet, the very moments oftime thou mutt not know,for thefe words are clofed,and fealed up,till the time of the end. ,Thou muff: not onely fear unto others,the things deli- vered before, inobfcure terms, as thou.conceiveft ofine,but alfo,the reafonofthe times, for things to bedone after the comingof Chrift; is (hut up from thy' !elf: thé underflwandingof them is not to bee found out,beforethe appointed time is come,and the enddraw neer, whereinall things shall be perfected and fulfilled. This is the lionof the Angels anfwer,and we fee,howmen in vain, in all ages, have troubled thcmfelves in the calculation, and account of thefe things. Thefe dark queftions have framed the Labyrinth with intricate windings. How unapt are we of our felves, to forefee things to come,whekr we fail fo foullyhere &there, though the light ofmolt certain truth be held out unto us, we are not therefore' to (tick in mens great names : This knowledge, and fearch, is not from humane capacity, but from divine revelation, ifnot extraordinary, yet the miede mutt be enlightned from above , and,fpeciall}I, at that time when as the confummation and end (hall be at hand, and before the doors. Verf. ao. Manyfall be purified, andmadett'hiteasdtried. ]A ge- nerali cönfolation. Daniel might have feared,leafbthat the faints be- ingde(titute offo deer a light, might dath upon fo many grievous offences, and at length, fall into manygulfes of deftruction. Thy angel meets with it, and biddeth him not tobe anxious and penfive in that refpec`t. They should fuft tine no lo( all, by theobfcuritie of thefe things : for both the holineffe of profeilion (hail be mans fèf . and certain,and the wife (hall get under(tanding, Both thefe members are exprefhely laid down, and illuftfated al- fo,by a utting to of the contraries.The HHngodlineffe of the wicked, which Gall do wickedly; is opp.ofed to the conftancieof profefíiön, and ignorance of, the ungodly, to the underftanding of the wife. As for.eonitatacie, it is more profitable to the godly, to live alwayes in expeËtation of their Lords coming, approching, then tounderftand ihe delay thereof for a long feafon,confidering the great infirmities ofall; yea,the wile virgins alfo sleep whil(t the bridegroome tarrieth, And when the fervant begins to think with hi:rtfelfe , that his Lord will