Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

(95n T1 e.fecond; member is,of underftanding, whereof ali'thewicked ball be void,. for they obferve no events, and thofe which.they fee with their eyes, they attribute tonothing Iefle, then to divine pro- vidence; the God of this world doth fo blind their eyes,and deprive them ofall light of underftanding , that they fee not their ownde- ftruotion, before they have plunged themfelves therei:ito, without all hopeof efcape. But the elei dootherwife, which amidft the great darkneffe of worldly things,do alwayes fee force twilight,by the guidance where- of they may walk in fafety : for they do alwayes draw from the divine oracles,that which may ferve for their comfort and inftrufti- on-, howfoever to theworld they be inextricable, ur fuch as can- not bediffolved. This therefore doth.the Angel afirme , tbaeforce fparks:do`'al wayes thine in the wife,_ in the midit:of this darkneffe , as much as may futiice for their feverall times?and ages : to Each wife men,I fay, whichdo wholly depend upon the will of God,, which do not fuffer the works ofGod to paffe away by themwithout profit , which call to remembrance the things pail, compare and lay together things prefenr,ufc great diligence in (earthing of the 5críptures ; To there wife, which have,fhall more be given,knowledge (hall be increafed, faith thall be confirmed , neither fhall obfcurity hinder them any thing, from obtaining that which is needfull or profitable. It is to lie obferved , that the word Afa/hchilim ,, when it is oppofed to the wicked, is not taken for the teachers alone , but for any of the common fort ofbeleevers. Vert. L I, "Indfrom. the time that the dayly facrif eei,all he taken atAy. ]Hitherto was comfort from the- freedome of danger, now there is helpof under(tanding affo:rded,rhough not unto Danielhinm- felf, whohad anfwer before to be gone,and that the thingwas clofed up, and fealed, yet fo as notwithftanding he fhould declare.and leave it to poft city ; whereby, before the end ofdayes , theybeing bette r informed by the event of things,tnight have Pure witnefit-of the.adi. mirablètruth and wifdomofGod. Let UK drive into this deep and-bottomleffepit ; fapported by divine afiiftInce , if happily .he will grant us to bring forth toe light, that which had hitherto, laine hid in the bottom of deep; darknefiê: There is tie-more hope ofa happy endeavour; and attempt here, in, by reafon of the end now approaç,wbereunto the under- Danding ofthefe things ss.promiCed. Verily,